Palm under Fence
Jacaranda tree in bloom.
Red-tailed Hawk (two flying)
I’d been wondering if all the red-tailed hawks I’ve been seeing in this area were the same one – it turns out there are at least two of them.
I did manage to catch this shot, which was at least (a) identifiable and (b) amusing.
Though I did manage to catch this shot, which was at least (a) identifiable and (b) amusing.
The barley is taller than the starlings.
I spotted a bunch of starlings darting around through the wild barley in the open space near an odd street intersection.
Problem: The barley is taller than the starlings. Most of my photos look kind of like this.
#fotofails #birds #nature #barley
A monarch butterfly in flight
A #monarch butterfly in flight. I’ve been seeing one or two each time I go for a walk in the neighborhood, but mostly they’re flying around too much for me to get a decent photo. This one decided to stick around this one bush for a while.
On Photog.Social
On iNaturalist
About a week later…
Someone on Flickr invited this photo to a UFO/paranormal/unexplained phenomena group. 😕
Maybe they meant to invite it to something else they manage?
Or are there butterfly UFO stories out there that I’m missing?
Red-Tailed Hawk (in palm tree)
I saw 4 or 5 crows repeatedly dive-bombing the top of this palm tree, cawing loudly, and heard the screech of a hawk at one point. It wasn’t until after the crows had given up that I made it to the other side where I could see this hawk just holding still. It flew off a little bit later.
Red-Tailed Hawk Feather
This was out in an open space where I’ve mostly seen small birds like sparrows, plus crows, seagulls, pigeons/doves and the occasional red-tailed hawk.
Dinnertime for a crow
Red-tailed Hawk (flying and field lights)
House Finch (on a red post)
Doves always look silly to me when they’re in the middle of turning their heads.
An escapee from a flower bed
Weeds or wildflowers?
Weeds or wildflowers? Sometimes the line is blurry.
(Bermuda Buttercups, a kind of woodsorrel, growing through a hedge.)
I don’t remember where this stone wall is
I don’t remember where this stone wall is, but it’s apparently near enough I could walk to it, because I took the photo in the last two months and I’m pretty sure it’s not next to the grocery store.
It’s been a while since I saw a plume moth
It’s been a while since I saw a plume moth, at least that I could recognize. This one followed me inside and immediately alighted on a stand lamp. And after I went to turn out the rest of the lights to lure it back outside, it had already flown off.
These two mallards were walking along and quacking, like a couple out for a stroll and conversation.