Red-Tailed Hawk (on transmission tower, early Jan.)

Red-Tailed Hawk: NOT a Birb.

And this hawk(?) is definitely *not* a birb…but I saw it on the same bike path in the middle of the suburbs. It landed on a transmission tower and looked around for a few minutes before flying off. #birds #nature

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Hawkspotting on K2R

Red-tailed Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Red-tailed Hawk

This solitary hawk(?) landed in the scaffolding of a transmission tower above a suburban bike path, and stayed there, looking around, while I walked closer to it. After a few minutes, it flew off to another tower.

On iNaturalist

Clouds flow over the snow-covered San Gabriel Mountains

Clouds flow over the snow-covered #SanGabrielMountains above #LosAngeles this morning. We've had a decent amount of rain this December, and snow in the mountains, leading to hopes for a wet winter and enough water to store for next summer. Oh, and skiing for those who are into that sort of thing 😁

Clouds flow over the snow-covered #SanGabrielMountains above #LosAngeles this morning. We've had a decent amount of rain this December, and snow in the mountains, leading to hopes for a wet winter and enough water to store for next summer.

Oh, and skiing for those who are into that sort of thing 😁

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Twilight at the circular offices

Twilight at the circular offices. There are four of these round buildings arranged in an arc around a central, taller building that's out of view. The rock gardens and drought-tolerant planters used to be lawn and fountains until they redid the landscaping a couple of years ago. #twilight #buildings #city #planter #rockGarden #round #circles

Twilight at the circular offices. There are four of these round buildings arranged in an arc around a central, taller building that's out of view. The rock gardens and drought-tolerant planters used to be lawn and fountains until they redid the landscaping a couple of years ago.

#twilight #buildings #city #planter #rockGarden #round #circles

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A bright sundog next to a glass-sided building

A bright #sundog next to a glass-sided building. The sun is off to the left out of frame. The sundog had a bit more color and more of the spectrum in it as seen through my polarized sunglasses, so I kind of wish I'd taken a shot through one of the lenses, but at least you can see how bright it was. I haven't adjusted the color on this image at all - except for cropping, it's straight out of my phone. #sky #halo

A bright #sundog next to a glass-sided building. The sun is off to the left out of frame. The sundog had a bit more color and more of the spectrum in it as seen through my polarized sunglasses, so I kind of wish I'd taken a shot through one of the lenses, but at least you can see how bright it was.

I haven't adjusted the color on this image at all – except for cropping, it's straight out of my phone.

#sky #halo

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On K2R