We were out for the monthly #PokemonGo Community Day, and I spotted this #BlackPhoebe just as I spun a Team Rocket-occupied stop. Somehow I managed to get a decent photo of it while battling Team Rocket.
“I’m hoooooome!” “Hope you don’t mind, I brought my laundry with me.” #PokemonGo
Charmander swore the accident at the #PokemonGo picnic wasn’t his fault!
Charmander swore the accident at the #PokemonGo picnic wasn't his fault!
I saw several of these really tiny lizards skittering around. I don’t know if this is just how big they grow, or if they’re juveniles. I think they were only about three inches long including the tail.
Desert Cottontail (SCBG, in open)
Flame Skimmer
Western Bluebirds in Palm Tree
Western Gull
House Sparrow
Castor Bean
After a long week of training, Pikachu is ready to relax.
Some sort of moss or lichen on this tree in a city park.
A Gray Hairstreak butterfly
Not the one from the previous photo, but another one spotted on the same hike.
Fiery Skipper
I haven’t been keeping up with all the times I’ve seen these butterflies. Just sort of “oh, another fiery skipper.” And I’ve been skipping them. Anyway, here’s one of three I saw along the same stretch of Chalksticks along the sidewalk today.
I only saw two ducks today. Usually I see more here.
American Coot
I saw two or three coots right by the water.
Canada Goose
One of *many* geese hanging out on the lawn of the park
Giant tumbleweeds on suburban streets.
Found the blog post where I put photos of some giant #tumbleweeds on suburban streets. Back in 2002(!)
Interesting rolling shutter effect on this butterfly’s wings as they moved too fast for the camera’s sensor
Interesting #RollingShutter effect on this #butterfly’s wings as they moved too fast for the camera’s sensor. Probably a #GrayHairstreak.