A cabbage white butterfly. I hardly ever catch these holding still…

A cabbage white #butterfly. I hardly ever catch these holding still, and o thought I'd caught this one perched on the flowers, but it took off as I pressed the button. Fortunately my phone had already focused, and I got a better photo than I was expecting! #butterflies #nature

A cabbage white #butterfly. I hardly ever catch these holding still, and o thought I'd caught this one perched on the flowers, but it took off as I pressed the button. Fortunately my phone had already focused, and I got a better photo than I was expecting!

#butterflies #nature

On PixelFed.Social

Cottontail and Squirrel (SCBG Driveway)

As I was driving away after the hike, I stopped to avoid hitting a rabbit in the driveway. I waited, and it moved, and then I grabbed the camera. Then I noticed a squirrel a few feet away from where it had hopped to. Once I’d taken a couple of photos, I carefully drove around them and out onto the main road.

Desert Cottontail on iNaturalist
Fox Squirrel on iNaturalist