#photo #squirrel #nature
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I saw zillions of these yellow butterflies, but none of them would hold still long enough to photograph!
The original photo was way overexposed. I’ve tried to adjust it both to bring out the detail that was washed out without messing up the color balance too badly.
A few weeks ago I saw a lot of monarchs. Today I saw a lot of these.
There were several dozen geese, some on the grass and others on the pond. And I saw several fights break out, with shouting like this, or charging. Mostly against other geese, not the ducks or coots, and I don’t think any of them actually connected.
A cabbage white #butterfly. I hardly ever catch these holding still, and o thought I'd caught this one perched on the flowers, but it took off as I pressed the button. Fortunately my phone had already focused, and I got a better photo than I was expecting!
The Birds.
(The guy in the vest was setting out food for the seagulls, so there were a lot of them hanging around.)
As I was driving away after the hike, I stopped to avoid hitting a rabbit in the driveway. I waited, and it moved, and then I grabbed the camera. Then I noticed a squirrel a few feet away from where it had hopped to. Once I’d taken a couple of photos, I carefully drove around them and out onto the main road.
Desert Cottontail on iNaturalist
Fox Squirrel on iNaturalist