Western Gull
Western Gull
Western Gull
Tree Squirrels
Desert Cottontail (SCBG Tram Road)
Desert Cottontail (SCBG Trail)
Cottontail and Squirrel (SCBG Driveway)
As I was driving away after the hike, I stopped to avoid hitting a rabbit in the driveway. I waited, and it moved, and then I grabbed the camera. Then I noticed a squirrel a few feet away from where it had hopped to. Once I’d taken a couple of photos, I carefully drove around them and out onto the main road.
Desert Cottontail on iNaturalist
Fox Squirrel on iNaturalist
Rufous, Allen’s, and Allied Hummingbirds
Western Sycamore
California Brittlebush
Cambarid Crayfishes
Red-Eared Slider
American Wigeon
Mallards, Pintails, and Allies
Mallards, Pintails, and Allies
Canada Goose
At sunset, the geese all lined up on the edge of the pond and honked until they jumped in, one after another, sown the line like a synchronized swim team.