Like a ton of #bricks….
Artist’s Bracket and Allies
Rufous, Allen’s, and Allied Hummingbirds (on cable)
Grey Geese
Grey Geese
Giant Kelp (clump at Dockweiler)
Mourning Dove (on a cable)
Phaneropterine Katydids
It had just settled onto the car windshield while it was parked, and seemed to have no inclination to move until we did.
Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Hey look, nectar!
Gull (drinking from puddle at Rainbow Lagoon)
Sweet Fennel
Wild plant at the top of the hill, ocean at the bottom. The fence marks the edge of Del Cerro Park and the start of a steep, unstable slope down to the Portuguese Bend area of the coast near Los Angeles. On a clear day, Catalina would be visible off to the left, but on this day, the ocean blended seamlessly into an obscuring haze.
– Instagram (2014)
Stealth Sparrows. I almost deleted the thumbnail because the birds didn’t actually register at that size. Fortunately, I opened the image and looked.
Stealth Sparrows. I almost deleted the thumbnail because the birds didn’t actually register at that size. Fortunately, I opened the image and looked.