Found this shot looking through photos from my old phone. It's from the outdoor part of a mall.
Common Buckeye
This particular corner seems popular with butterflies. Just about every time I walk by, I see at least two or three.
Western Honey Bee (on Blue Chalksticks)
The squawking of the feral parakeets
Sometimes I’ll hear the squawking of the feral parakeets that live in town as they fly past. Usually I don’t have a camera with me, but one time I managed to catch four of them flying (not very detailed, as you can see), and once I managed to catch one that had stopped in a palm tree long enough for me to use the zoom lens.
#birds #parakeets #FeralParakeets #parrots #nature #FeralParrots
I heard the squawking and went for my camera, but this is the best I could get. Still, you can at least see the green color and a bit of the red on one of their heads.
After they flew on, I saw a few others diving out of palm trees and wheeling back up in the direction they’d come from.
I’ve seen and heard the feral parakeets before, and managed to get some decent pictures a few weeks ago. I can’t be certain these are the same parakeet species as that one, but it seems likely since they’re introduced.
Previous observation of mitred parakeet:
TODO: Combine with this post and others.
Marine Blue (on grass & clover)
blue-eyed grasses
House Finch
Fan Palms
Great Heron (at Polliwog Park)
As I recall, this heron was standing on the off-limits section of the pond shoreline, which the park’s website refers to as a “wildlife refuge” but isn’t particularly big.
Canada Goose (at Polliwog Park)
Canada Goose
American Wigeon
Finding animals I didn’t know about in my old photos: This duck might be a wigeon, which is a type of bird I’d never heard of before, but appears to be relatively common.
#ducks #birds #iNaturalist #wigeon
Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block…
Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block. I really like the landscape crop showing the fiery skipper as it flies from one flower to the next…but after I cropped it, I noticed the bee also flying in the foreground of the original, and I just had to find a way to keep them both in the frame and still draw attention to them.
#nature #butterflies #bees #photo
On Photog.Social
Skipper Close-Up (iNat)
Realized this isn’t iceplant. INat suggests it’s in the Kleinia genus, but I’m not sure beyond that.
Follow-up: The plant is Blue Chalksticks.