Final Landing Approach! Another shot from the hike at the marsh preserve earlier this month….

Final Landing Approach!

Another shot from the hike at the marsh preserve earlier this month.

The flowers, apparently Matilija Poppies, had huge, flat white petals with these large yellow centers. They looked like fried eggs.

Flower observation.

More photos from the hike

#flowers #bees #nature #photography

A bee approaches the yellow puff-ball center of a large, white-petaled flower.

On Photog.Social

Oops… I realized I’ve already posted this one here. Well, I added more info this time, so at least it’s not a completely duplicate post. 🤦‍♂️

On Photog.Social

This squirrel bounded along a wall carrying a walnut in its mouth…

This squirrel bounded along a wall carrying a walnut in its mouth as I walked down the sidewalk. It stopped and looked at me as if it had been caught in the act of walnut burglary. I had enough time to snap a couple of pictures with my phone *and* pull out my camera for a better shot before it scampered away.

#nature #photography #squirrel

Squirrel with a walnut in its mouth.

On Photog.Social
On K2R

On iNaturalist