Ground cover.
The #jacaranda #flowers haven’t covered the ground yet, but they will.
For now, the oxalis has most of the ground to itself.
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Woodsorrel on iNaturalist (alternate shot)
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Ground cover.
The #jacaranda #flowers haven’t covered the ground yet, but they will.
For now, the oxalis has most of the ground to itself.
On PixelFed.Social
Woodsorrel on iNaturalist (alternate shot)
These two sparrows were on the ground as I walked across the driveway, flew up to the sign as I approached, and stayed put just long enough for me to pull out my phone. I swear they took off the moment I clicked the virtual shutter. (Time restricted parking, indeed.)
I’m still amused every time I tag a “feral pigeon” on #iNaturalist
Somewhere between 6-12 of them wandering around the brush and open area at the top of the bluffs near the coast. A lot less nervous than the ones I’ve seen in the city. I was able to get a lot closer.
A #finch that I spotted practically right outside my door a few weeks ago. I posted an animation made from several of these photos a while back. Here are the best of the still shots, cleaned up a bit.
A palm tree growing out of a palm tree. It might even be one of its own seeds that got caught between the stumps of the fronds.
There are quite a few plants like this growing out of the palm trees along this street. I’ll have to bring a better camera so I can get some clearer photos.
“As people consider whether to use the new “creepy” technologies, they do a type of cost-benefit analysis weighing the loss of privacy against the benefits they will receive in return.” – @NNgroup
Perfect example: I posted this super-blurry photo of a bird on a wire across the street, zoomed optically as far as I could and then just cropped. Within 15 minutes, 4 people had identified it as not just a sparrow, but specifically a house sparrow!
Meanwhile the entry for the horseweed from last week still hasn’t had anyone stop in to confirm or correct the ID.
Photo taken at: Yellow Fever
Going to miss this place. Stopped by @yellowfevereats for a final Kona Bowl today.