Waning #moon, taken with the settings I *should* have used for the eclipse on Sunday.
I like taking photos of the moon when it’s between phases (rather than full) because you get to see the most texture in it at those times.
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
Waning #moon, taken with the settings I *should* have used for the eclipse on Sunday.
I like taking photos of the moon when it’s between phases (rather than full) because you get to see the most texture in it at those times.
Polliwog Park doubles as a flood control basin, and after 5 days of rain, it’s filling up. Those two arcs out in the water? They’re benches like the one at the lower left.
It’s not the fullest I’ve seen it, though. A few years ago, it filled up to the top of the swing sets. Photos here:
Raindrops on sage, spotted while walking around in the rain today.
There were two major cloudbursts, one overnight and one mid-morning. At this point the second one had faded to a little more than a drizzle, something a bit more comfortable to walk in.
Flowers in and out of their depth (of field).
#Photography #flowers
Taken with the old Sears TLS.
I went back to the same marsh I’d visited in early December, after a few more rainstorms. The ponds had spread, covering trails I’d walked along just a few weeks earlier. Ducks and geese had arrived in force.
I could also swear I heard a frog, but I couldn’t see it, and even with the weird southern California seasons, I don’t think it’s the right time for frogs to be out. I should’ve asked at the visitor center.
#photography, #nature #geese #marsh #pond
Spotted at Box Lunch.
Last weekend I went for a hike at a local marsh. The lower areas are filling with water again now that we’ve had a few rainstorms.
I made a point of going late in the afternoon to catch some golden hour light, which didn’t work out quite as well as I was hoping, but I think this shot came out reasonably interesting.
Not sure, but I think I walked through this pond last time I was here and it was all dry ground.
#photography #marsh #woods #pond
Ducks feeding in a marsh pond. The last time I was here, the entire marsh had dried out for summer. After a couple of fall rainstorms (which, if they’d come sooner, night have at least cut down on the massive wildfires last month), parts of the marsh have flooded again for winter.
I was halfway there before I realized I hadn’t brought the film camera, but I at least had the Canon, which has a more powerful zoom anyway.
#ducks #pond #marsh #photography
Having one of those days…
Source: https://www.fowllanguagecomics.com/comic/caffeine/
The bonus panel is good too: https://www.fowllanguagecomics.com/caffeine-bonus-panel/
More experimenting with Night Sight in the Pixel 2.
#photography #nightsight #night
This is cool:
A.I. turns 57 million crop fields into stunning abstract art
On Wandering.shop (without image)
Smoke from two wildfires in and near Los Angeles this morning. The gigantic Woolsey fire causing evacuations in Ventura County, and a smaller fire in Griffith Park. In at least one photo you can see a layer smoke from the smaller fire drifting past the rising plume of the bigger one.
Fiery #sunset. One of those moments when you can’t stop and pull over to take a photo, but you can pause at a red light.
The next day:
I saw photos of this same sunset from at least 3 other people in the LA/OC area that I know or follow – but because we were all in different places relative to the landscape and clouds, and took the photos at different times, they all ended up looking different.
Pink clouds and blue sky, coastal cliffs, trees, buildings, orange clouds…a real mix.