Kara Danvers and the Flash at WonderCon
Photo taken at: Wondercon
Kara Danvers and the Flash at WonderCon
Full gallery is going up at
#WonderCon2018 #cosplay #karadanvers #theflash #barryallen #wondercon #supergirl #wca2018
Kara Thrace, meet Kara Danvers!
Kara Thrace, meet Kara Danvers!
Sadly, the coffee cup wasn’t from Starbucks, which would have been perfect… Full Wondercon gallery is going up at Flickr/KelsonV
#cosplay #battlestargalactica #starbuck #supergirl #bsg #karathrace #karadanvers #WonderCon2018 #wondercon #wca2018
I love the irony of these zombie-themed couple costumes
Photo taken at: WonderCon
I love the irony of these zombie-themed couple costumes at #WonderCon
Posting as I go, full gallery will be on
Minecraft spider jockey & Whitney Frost
Spider jockey attack
A (dare I say it?) cool Killer Frost at WonderCon
Photo taken at: WonderCon
A (dare I say it?) cool Killer Frost #cosplay at #WonderCon2018
Lighted Fountain and Krypton
Nighttime fountain at the Anaheim Convention Center (full)
Nighttime fountain at the Anaheim Convention Center. This was a popular spot for cosplay photos even after sunset, but I managed to catch an angle that looked deserted.
#wondercon #photography #fountain #night
My full gallery of photos from WonderCon is up on Flickr. Most of them are just cosplay snapshots. This ended up being the only artistic shot I took that came out really well.
Nighttime fountain at the Anaheim Convention Center (square crop)
Nighttime fountain at the Anaheim Convention Center. This was a popular spot for cosplay photos even after sunset, but I managed to catch an angle that looked deserted.
There we go, the perfect coffee mug for a convention day
There we go, the perfect coffee mug for a convention day!
TBT to the Flashes of WonderCon 2017!
Photo taken at: Wondercon
#TBT to the Flashes of #WonderCon 2017! I saw a lot of amazing Flash cosplayers last year at WonderCon!
Keep an eye out for photos from this year’s convention, coming up this weekend. The rain should be over by then.
I’ve tried to identify as many of the cosplayers as possible. Please correct me if I’ve made any errors! ? as Jay Garrick
@sylviaslays as DC Bombshells Flash/Jesse Quick
@photo__rn as CW Jay Garrick
? as DC Bombshells Flash/Jesse Quick
In the CW group: ? as Harrison Wells
? as Flash/Barry Allen
@findnjewels as Jesse Quick
@new_element_studios as Kid Flash
@zyusouken85 as movie Flash
@vigilantecosplay as Reverse Flash
@amariariana as Flash
@new_element_studios as movie Flash
@zyusouken85 as movie Flash
? as sparkly Flash
#TheFlash #cosplay #BarryAllen #JesseQuick #JayGarrick #WonderCon2017 #DCBombshells #JusticeLeague #ReverseFlash #TheFlashCosplay #ReverseFlashCosplay #JayGarrickCosplay #BarryAllenCosplay #JesseQuickCosplay
Partly cloudy.
Rising above the clouds…
Photo taken at: Los Angeles, California
Rising above the clouds… I tried a lot of crops on this (otherwise it’s unmodified) but finally settled on the square because I wanted enough of both the rooftops and the sky bracketing the clouds and mountain, and I wanted to steer clear of some of the foreground buildings that would have appeared on the sides and break up the layout.
Indian hawthorn flowers in bloom, spotted on my lunch hour walk.
Indian hawthorn flowers in bloom, spotted on my lunch hour walk. It’s been a warm winter in California, and we’ve finally gotten some rain over the last few weeks (not enough, but some is better than none).
Light dusting of snow in the mountains above Los Angeles after last night’s rain.
Light dusting of snow in the mountains above Los Angeles after last night’s rain.
We need more… #mountains #sangabriels #losangeles
See-through skyscraper?
Moments after the sun set beyond the ocean, a last flash of refracted light burst out.
Moments after the sun set beyond the ocean, a last flash of refracted light burst out. It doesn’t look like a green flash in this shot, but if you swipe across, you can see a few seconds earlier, where there is definitely a green ring around the flattened image.
Something’s just hovering above downtown LA, way off in the distance.
Working near an airport I’m used to seeing planes flying nearby and in the distance. But this afternoon something’s just hovering above downtown LA, way off in the distance.
I figured it was the Good Year Blimp, though I couldn’t tell for sure without the zoom on my camera. (Not that there are any other blimps that frequent the LA skies these days, but you never know.) It’s interesting just how odd it is when something looks vaguely like an airplane from a great distance, but doesn’t move like one. The other day I saw a bird hovering in a headwind. Same sort of “what IS that?” moment before I recognized it.
#losangeles #mountains #blimp #skyline #mtwilson #goodyearblimp #phonewantsmetotypeblimo