“We’re gonna fly a lot of flags half-mast.” The photo is actually from a few weeks ago, but it seemed appropriate to post it today.
Slippery when wet. (Honestly, it seems kind of redundant.)
Slippery when wet. (Honestly, it seems kind of redundant.) Summer storms are unheard of in this part of California (outside the mountains, anyway), but after a day of Florida-style humidity to go with the heat, I shouldn’t have been surprised when the sky opened up in the afternoon.
Loki is not low key
Kilgrave and Jessica Jones
Photo taken at: Long Beach Comic Expo
Kilgrave and Jessica Jones
#cosplay #jessicajones #lbcc #lbcc2017 #kilgrave
@casualcosplaykatie as Whitney Frost (Agent Carter Season 2 ) at LBCC
Photo taken at: Long Beach Comic Expo
@casualcosplaykatie as Whitney Frost (Agent Carter Season 2) #cosplay at #lbcc #lbcc2017 #whitneyfrost #agentcarter #agentcartercosplay #whitneyfrostcosplay
Doctor Poison cosplay at LBCC
Photo taken at: Long Beach Comic Expo
Doctor Poison cosplay at #Lbcc2017
Breaking through
Breaking through.
Late afternoon sunlight breaking through the clouds last Thursday.
It’s always weird to see my pictures come back through fandom networks.
Great photo, and such great outfits!
It’s always weird to see my pictures come back through fandom networks. Cool, but weird. (Fun fact: the reason several of the cosplayers are looking off to the side is that a six year old is running toward them in order to photobomb the shot.)
Back from Oregon & posting more eclipse photos!
Photo taken at: Woodburn, Oregon
Back from Oregon & posting more #eclipse photos! We took a family vacation up to Portland & went down to Woodburn for the day of the eclipse.
Seeing a total solar eclipse in person was amazing. Photos just don’t do it justice.
For one thing the corona is really bright. Not harmfully bright, and not enough to block out stars and planets, but enough that it drowned out the shadowed moon when I tried to do full-sky shots.
The sky was dark blue like twilight, with a light orange band around the horizon. Where the sun would be was the solid black disc of the moon, surrounded by the streaming white corona, looking like a home in the sky.
It lasted a little over a minute. It felt like no time at all.
More thoughts & pictures at the link in my profile, in case you’re interested.
Partial solar eclipse, taken through eclipse glasses. Still in progress!
Sleeping koala at the San Diego Zoo
Photo taken at: San Diego Zoo
Sleeping koala at the San Diego Zoo a few weeks ago. At first I just wanted to zoom in on it when I realized I had a clear view, but then I noticed the frame formed by the various layers of branches.
I made a point to see the penguins & red panda
Backlit clouds casting shadows on the sky.
San Diego! I didn’t make it to Comic-Con this year…
Photo taken at: San Diego, California
San Diego! I didn’t make it to Comic-Con this year, but I ended up visiting the weekend afterward, when the crowds (and hotel prices) are back to normal. Some of the trolleys were still wrapped, and one souvenir shop had 50% off superhero shirts, but otherwise the city had cleared away most of the con’s presence.
Zoo map
Zoo map
SDCC TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper
Photo taken at: Comic-Con International at San Diego Convention Center
#SDCC #TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper from Read or Die, at Comic Con International in 2009.
Sadly, we don’t have anyone on site at #ComicCon this year. We’re following along online with everyone else! (We’ve posted this a couple of times, so I thought I’d try some post-processing using AfterFocus to blur the background. Not bad, though the edges are a little sharp.)
NOTE: The original photo is on K2R, Flickr and Speed Force. Need to see if I’ve used (or at least saved!) the background-blurred version anywhere already.
A real bird photobombed the boat ride view of LEGO construction. It held still for a while, and when it finally moved, one of the younger passengers exclaimed, “It’s real!”
Photo taken at: LEGOLAND California
A real bird photobombed the boat ride view of LEGO construction. It held still for a while, and when it finally moved, one of the younger passengers exclaimed, “It’s real!”
London landmarks in LEGO
Natural and artificial. A hotel near work recently replaced their lawn with astroturf…
Natural and artificial.
A hotel near work recently replaced their lawn with astroturf. I’m sure it will save water. I’m not sure whether it will let the rain soak into the ground this winter, or whether it’ll be harder to clean up after the jacarandas.