This #squirrel ran across the street, under a car, across a lawn and up into a tree.
Canada Goose
Most of the geese were toward the back of the park, not out front like they are sometimes.
American Coot
Sometimes I’ll see a whole flock of coots at this pond, sometimes a handful. Today I only saw one.
Large White-headed Gulls
Rufous, Allen’s, and Allied Hummingbirds
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday, but no more than about three at a time. Numbers have dropped drastically over the last few years.
Western Honey Bee (on white flowers)
California Towhee (pecking at the ground)
Black Phoebe
Not a claw, though it looks remarkably like one.
Not a claw, though it looks remarkably like one. It’s a chunk of iceplant partly buried in the sand.
Covid vaccine
Got the second shot! Here we go, immune system, you’ve got this!
I don’t think I’ve seen this variety of succulent flowering before. It looks like an overturned Ferroseed or the plant version of the Omnidroid from The Incredibles.
I don’t think I’ve seen this variety of succulent flowering before. It looks like an overturned Ferroseed or the plant version of the Omnidroid from The Incredibles.
Crows and Ravens
This crow started swooping toward a hawk almost as soon as it perched on top of an electrical transmission tower. It tried a bunch of times to scare it off, but the hawk ignored it.
Red-tailed Hawk (on transmission tower, May)
This hawk glided across the sky, then alighted on top of an electrical transmission tower. Almost immediately, a crow started trying to scare it off, swooping toward it repeatedly. The hawk remained unfazed and just stayed put while I walked around to the other side of the tower.
European Starling
Nervous Squirrel
I heard chattering and slowly walked toward this tree in a city park. Once I got to it, I stopped, and slowly looked around until I spotted the #squirrel up in the branches, just looking at me and waving its tail very rapidly. I took two photos, then walked away.
Plum blossoms, somewhere in the neighborhood.
Plum blossoms, somewhere in the neighborhood.
House Sparrows (dusty)
The sparrows were bobbing up and down, but not like they were digging for food. As far as I could tell, they were playing in the gopher holes.
Note: A commenter on iNat pointed out that they were likely dust bathing