Gee, nothing creepy about that….
Link: Household Radar Can See Through Walls and Knows How You’re Feeling
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
Gee, nothing creepy about that….
Link: Household Radar Can See Through Walls and Knows How You’re Feeling
A prototype non-flammable lithium battery using glass. The researchers behind it claim that its capacity *increases* over time. Others aren’t convinced.
It should have been obvious from the start: screen time is a much less helpful metric than the patterns of HOW people use their devices, what researchers are calling the “screenome”
[NYTimes link]
(But it was easy to measure, & people love pointing to a single number.)
It’s not just psychology, it’s CO2.
Link: Why crowded meetings and conference rooms make you so, so tired.
“Government-sanctioned predator removal programs…virtually wiped out red and gray wolves. Coyotes have been taking over the territory of wolves, their mortal enemies, ever since.”
“the removal of large apex predators have unintended consequences”
This touches on something I’ve been thinking about lately: fear without hope doesn’t motivate people to constructive action so much as lead them to inaction. You need hope to let fear do its job as a motivator, or it just locks you down.
I mistyped the address for #Flickr’s status page ( as As the parent domain of their static image servers, it does exist. The home page is…not what you’d expect.
Link: Feral Parrots Are Taking Over America!
“These birds, descendants of escaped pets, have managed to create thriving colonies in these cities despite the annual cold weather.”
AI for image recognition often picks up on features in the noise of the training data, making it vulnerable to attacks – like a sticker that prevents self-driving cars from recognizing a stop sign. What if we tell the AI which features to look at?
An interesting read on Game of Thrones’ final season and a more fundamental shift in storytelling from the sociological to the psychological: instead of examining how people respond to the world they’re stuck in, it’s falling back on hero/villain tropes.
Nightmare scenario: A fatal allergic reaction to an ingredient in such an off-the-wall place that you wouldn’t have even thought to look for it there. In this case, milk protein in toothpaste.
Link: 16 Real Places That Look Like They’re From the Future
This ought to be a basic guideline: If you want to legislate something, make sure you understand it first..
Your regular reminder: if anyone tells you the current administration’s stance on immigrants is only about “illegal” immigration, they’re lying or misinformed.
This is amusing.
SmugMug has been slowly disentangling #Flickr from Yahoo over the last few months, and they have planned downtime coming up in a few weeks to finish migrating a gazillion photos and videos from Yahoo’s datacenter to AWS.
The funny part: They’re doing a photo contest where you print out the maintenance notice and “take your photo of the little panda on an adventure somewhere,” then post it after the site comes back.