Well, I'm glad I didn't walk to lunch today.
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
Well, I'm glad I didn't walk to lunch today.
A Spritely Thunderstorm From Space
Always look up. You never know when you're going to see something cool in the sky.
“One study subject took twenty minutes of staring at a Windows 3.1 desktop before being able to open a text editing program…. “He was literally a rocket scientist,” Oran says. “And even he couldn't figure out Windows.”” (via Slashdot)
Of all the blog posts I’ve written, I never thought “Pop Stars as Fish” would continually be in the top 10 viewed.
Boy Scouts End Ban on Gay Leaders, Over Protests by Mormon Church
Wow, they’re almost caught up with the 21st century!
I wonder how many decades it’ll be before they stop kicking out agnostic and atheist scouts and leaders?
The war on female voices is just another way of telling women to shut up
Next time you hear someone complain about how a woman speaks, think about the context for a moment. “We also know that the relentless attacks on women’s voices—particularly vocal fry—are sexist for one very simple reason: Men are rewarded for using the same vocal tools. ”
Pluto and Charon Keep Getting WEIRDER
Anyone else have a JoCo song running through their head after looking at the preview pic?
Very thorough, worth reading if you have the time.
TL;DR: GMOs are not the problem. Pesticide/herbicide overuse, monoculture, and predatory business tactics are the problem, but they're neither unique to GMOs nor intrinsic to them.
Misleading rhetoric leads people to “fix” things that aren't problems in ways that can ignore the *real* problems — or even make them worse.
Domain Anonymity and the Brilliance of Entertainment Lobbyists
Heh. “when has the entertainment industry ever proposed something good for consumers or the internet?”
Tonight: Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, less than half a degree apart in the sky — closer than the diameter of a full moon. Look to the west this evening after sunset fades.
This reminds me of a text-mode Pac-Man clone I used to have in the DOS days.
> No, today’s world isn't more dangerous. You grew up during the most crime-ridden period in modern American history. By objective measures the country is far safer now.
Some speculation on why so many people are convinced that the opposite is true.
The Real Truth About Disney’s “Recycled Animation” – Updated
GeekDad *actually talked to* some animators who used to work for Disney.
Is That Viral Quadruple Rainbow Picture Real?
This morning a picture tweeted by Nineteenth Amendment CEO Amanda Curtis on Long Island quickly went viral: It shows what looks like a quadruple rainbow!
“Always look up. You never know what's going on above your head.”