“Flaming goat cheese on a truck” would make a good curse. But it’s awful for your commute

I’m going to have to start using “flaming goat cheese on a truck!” as a pseudo-curse.

This is even weirder than the truck full of meat that caught fire on the 5 near Camp Pendleton a few years back, blocking the entire freeway in an area with no alternate routes for a whole day.


Things you could do with the old web that newer sites can’t figure out – or don’t want to.

The Web We Lost

Things you could do with the old web that newer sites can’t figure out – or don’t want to.

When you see interesting data mash-ups today, they are often still using Flickr photos because Instagram’s meager metadata sucks, and the app is only reluctantly on the web at all. We get excuses about why we can’t search for old tweets or our own relevant Facebook content, though we got more comprehensive results from a Technorati search that was cobbled together on the feeble software platforms of its era.

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.

One Poignant Picture For Man, One Giant Hold Pattern For Mankind

Tho there were thousands of people, I somehow got this angle of the Space Shuttle, people free. What I love about the shot is that it truly symbolizes the mothballing of the Shuttle project. That the …