I love this explanation of “opt-in” co-reg marketing “permission”

I love this explanation of “opt-in” co-reg marketing “permission” (if you can call it that):

A husband gets permission from his wife to go to the pub on certain nights of the week with his mates, then sometime later later gets divorced, re-married, and then uses the original permission as an excuse when his new partner moans about his social habits.

Cloudmark Blog | Optical express SMS Spam in the UK

How Seanan McGuire Perfected Her Fictional Zombie Virus

I finished reading “Blackout” earlier this month. Highly recommended. The three novels aren’t zombie stories per se so much as they’re thrillers set in a world where zombies are a fact of life. Look under the name Mira Grant for “Feed,” “Deadline” and “Blackout.”

How Seanan McGuire Perfected Her Fictional Zombie Virus

Always consider what you’re training your email recipients to do with the mail you send them…

Always consider what you’re training your email recipients to do with the mail you send them. Whether it’s “ignore most of what we send you” or “don’t worry if you see something from us that’s at a random domain, we send using different domains all the time.”

Training Recipients – Word to the Wise

Want to see a WWF style smackdown? Put a marketer and a delivery expert in a room and ask them to discuss frequency and whether or not more mail is better. The marketer will point to the bottom line…

Want pain? Try loading today’s websites over dial-up

Ouch! It’s worth remembering that not everyone has a high-speed connection, and that all those images and scripts add up. This isn’t just for the minority stuck on dial-up, but with the rise of mobile computing, a lot of people are on spotty connections that might be high-speed one moment, then dog-slow the next.

Want pain? Try loading today’s websites over dial-up

Even today, in 2012, some people don’t have broadband Internet connections, relying instead on phone lines and those good old dial-up modems. By today’s standards, those connections are extremely slow…