For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II
In 1978, Soviet geologists prospecting in the wilds of Siberia discovered a family of six, lost in the taiga
Fascinating story!
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II
In 1978, Soviet geologists prospecting in the wilds of Siberia discovered a family of six, lost in the taiga
Fascinating story!
I’m going to have to start using “flaming goat cheese on a truck!” as a pseudo-curse.
This is even weirder than the truck full of meat that caught fire on the 5 near Camp Pendleton a few years back, blocking the entire freeway in an area with no alternate routes for a whole day.
Really? People claim Obama is making a power grab/end run around the legislature by…sending memos and directing agencies within the executive branch to analyze data, review safety standards and draw up model emergency procedures?
Hey, people who don’t like the EPA: This is what we’d have without it. Because, as the article points out, it’s what we *did* have *before* the EPA.
NASA snaps pics of China’s ‘Airpocalypse’ pollution disaster
Things you could do with the old web that newer sites can’t figure out – or don’t want to.
When you see interesting data mash-ups today, they are often still using Flickr photos because Instagram’s meager metadata sucks, and the app is only reluctantly on the web at all. We get excuses about why we can’t search for old tweets or our own relevant Facebook content, though we got more comprehensive results from a Technorati search that was cobbled together on the feeble software platforms of its era.
Time lapse video of last month's solar eclipse, showing the moon's shadow sweeping across the sky.
SMBC: What you fear vs. What you should fear
Every once in a while, SMBC gets inspirational. In its own way.
Surprised Linux LVM still makes you jump through hoops for the simple use case of expanding a FS into all open space.
Interesting: How AT&T got service back after Sandy
Great shot of Endeavour.
Stars Trail Over the Final Voyage of the Space Shuttle Endeavour
Fascinating precinct-by-precinct map of Los Angeles Presidential election results.
Disaster preparedness: How to keep electronics going without power.
Wow. Empty New York train stations via @PeerIndex
How long is long enough for laptop battery life? @pingdom looks into it.
LOTR Ripoff, Age of The Hobbits, Claims Hobbits Are Real, Sticks Tongue Out At New Line Cinema
The Asylum (Alien vs. Hunter, Snakes on a Train, Transmorphers) is really pushing it with their titles. They’re claiming “Hobbit” is fair game because their movie is about Homo Floresiensis. Plus, y’know, dragons.
Amazing shot – one that I wish I’d thought of myself when I was standing next to those flatbed trucks.
One Poignant Picture For Man, One Giant Hold Pattern For Mankind
Tho there were thousands of people, I somehow got this angle of the Space Shuttle, people free. What I love about the shot is that it truly symbolizes the mothballing of the Shuttle project. That the …
What Prop 37 exempts from labeling and why. For example: organic foods are held to a stricter standard already, and aren’t allowed to contain GMOs to begin with. And that pet food thing? It’s not the meat that needs to be labeled, it’s the grains in it, same as food for humans.
I read about this a few years back and thought it was fascinating.
Kirby’s Work on Science Fiction Land Has Connection to Argo » DVDs Worth Watching