How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! (Grr.)

How dare the big bad librarians silence those parents’ attempts to silence ideas that they don’t like! Won’t somebody please think of the children? (Grr.)

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Holy crud, they actually shut down the 101 and *shot* that 500-car pileup?

Why FlashFoward creators embrace Lost comparison

Holy crud, they actually shut down the 101 and *shot* that 500-car pileup? No wonder it looked so impressive on the screen at Comic-Con!

(I think I’ve mentioned I’m *really* looking forward to this show. I wish they’d come up with a new promotional still, though. There’s this picture and the cast photo.)

todo: add a note to either the pilot episode review or a blog post, whichever seems more appropriate

Comic Sans, Font of Ill Will

The Wall Street Journal profiles Vincent Connare, designer of the web’s most-hated font, Comic Sans. Not surprisingly, the font’s origins go back to Microsoft Bob, where he saw a talking dog speaking in Times New Roman. Connare pulled out Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns for reference, and created the comic book-style font over the next week.

On Slashdot