Holy crud, they actually shut down the 101 and *shot* that 500-car pileup?

Why FlashFoward creators embrace Lost comparison

Holy crud, they actually shut down the 101 and *shot* that 500-car pileup? No wonder it looked so impressive on the screen at Comic-Con!

(I think I’ve mentioned I’m *really* looking forward to this show. I wish they’d come up with a new promotional still, though. There’s this picture and the cast photo.)

todo: add a note to either the pilot episode review or a blog post, whichever seems more appropriate

Comic Sans, Font of Ill Will

The Wall Street Journal profiles Vincent Connare, designer of the web’s most-hated font, Comic Sans. Not surprisingly, the font’s origins go back to Microsoft Bob, where he saw a talking dog speaking in Times New Roman. Connare pulled out Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns for reference, and created the comic book-style font over the next week.

On Slashdot