Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.

Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.

Wayne: Good point. I’m a more later kind of poster mainly because I want to live in the moment. Posting as you experience an event can leave one distracted and I want to get my full “money’s worth” before I go talk about it otherwise I may not have much to talk about. ;p

Though I’ve always wanted to try a live twitter feed of a big presentation like the E3 press conferences with a laptop just for the fun of having the event flow from my fingertips. But that’s mainly because I wouldn’t need to move and I can type without looking at the keyboard. ;>

Me: Great point about actually experiencing an event rather than reporting on it.

I’ve liveblogged a couple of Comic-Con panels, which was kind of neat – but they were all annoucement/Q&A, like a press conference, so they were kind of built for that to begin with. It was neat interacting with people who weren’t there, though, as they offered comments and questions during the event.

Wayne: hehe exactly, I’ve been part of some live tweet sessions giving those comments myself which makes me want to try hosting one. As you said for news bytes they’re short blurts already. (Made for the ADD generation! ;p) So might as well blurt more on it and share. :>