One day more (and then I’ll stop bugging you all about this!)

One day more (and then I’ll stop bugging you all about this!) I’m raising funds for food allergy research & education, motivated by the fact that I have life-threatening allergies myself.

With any luck, J won’t need to worry about any of this (except second-hand), but it would be great if no one had to carefully read ingredients on food, worrying that they’ll end up in the E.R. after eating something that most people can handle just fine.

A huge thank you to those who have donated so far: Lee & Jim, Brion, Julianne & Craig, Susie, Don, Jason, Wayne, Pavana, Marisa, Daniel, Devin, Greg, Lia, Ken, Damon, Jesse, and Christopher.

To everyone else: please take a look, and consider sponsoring me for the event. Thank you!

The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network Walk for Food Allergy