After the call-in campaign derailed support for the “Stop Online Privacy Act”

After the call-in campaign derailed support for the “Stop Online Privacy Act” — which, of course, wouldn’t do anything of the sort, though it would have set up a system to censor the internet within the US — Congress is focusing on the Senate version of the bill, called Protect IP. It’s not quite as bad as SOPA, but it still sets up a way that anyone with an axe to grind can block access to entire websites within the US. Got a couple of users who post links that some company doesn’t like in your forum? Bye-bye forum. It’s backed by the usual suspects (MPAA, RIAA) and opposed by big names in the tech industry (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.)

The “best” part: Now they’re claiming it’s a jobs bill.

Please help out with the second-round call-in campaign today!

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This was of course the “Stop Online Piracy Act,” but my typo seems appropriate.