I didn’t get close to any of the hot spots when I was there…

Really cool! I’ve always wondered how volcanoes and lava smells with all of those gasses and extreme heat. You can see the picture but you can only really smell it in person 😞

Also I recently listened #stuffyoushouldknow podcast about pompey volcano and was surprised to hear that majority of people died from gasses and huge heatwave instead of lava, smoke or ash. — @Wraptile@mastodon.social 2018-06-25T03:13:34.000Z

@Wraptile I didn’t get close to any of the hot spots when I was there, but it was near enough to smell acrid smoke in the air, and some of the vents had a strong sulfur smell to them.

That’s interesting about Pompey. I wouldn’t have thought so, but it makes sense. All the tourist guides in Hawaii warned us about “vog” (volcanic fog) & I know it’s a major issue with evacuations & closures related to the current eruption.

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