So let’s bury this bullshit about how women didn’t grow up on Star Wars.



This is my friend TJ, wearing a costume she made for Halloween, 1977.  She was 16 at the time.

Now, keep in mind: there was no internet to search for images.  She could not have rented and paused the movie, because it wasn’t released on video until 1982.  No, TJ just went to the movie a bunch of times, took notes with a flashlight, drew a bunch of sketches, and put this together.

In 19-fucking-77.  So let’s bury this bullshit about how women didn’t grow up on Star Wars.

Some dude tried to explain why TLJ is an insult to real fans and since I liked it I wasn’t a real fan and SON, I GOT A DOT MATRIX PRINT OUT OF Star Wars: New Hope, The Journal of the Whills, Part 1 IN A DRAWER SOMEWHERE, COME AT ME.

My mother is 74 years old and knows what a Corellian blood stripe is. The ladies have been here the whole time.

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