When UPS or FedEx hands a package off to the post office for delivery, how long…

When UPS or FedEx hands a package off to the post office for delivery, how long would you expect it to take from that point? The next day? Two days? Three? Four?

According to UPS tracking, the last component for the new computer was handed off to the *local* post office last *Wednesday*. If it’s not here today, I know an 8YO who’ll beg me to just buy one at Fry’s.

(Of course, if it is here, he’ll beg to stay up late while I install the OS, thinking he’ll get to play games right away. Nope!)

On Wandering.shop

The following day:

Finally got a delivery estimate: Thursday evening. Considering the post office is closed tomorrow, that’s effectively a full week later. The FedEx-to-post-office packages arrived only a couple of days past the hand-off, IIRC.

The kiddo has spent the last two days doing the “is it here yet? is it here yet? is it here yet?” dance and repeatedly checking the mailbox, porch, and all the usual spots that delivery services leave things.

On Wandering.shop
Follow-up: It finally arrived