Garbage disposal replaced (vaguely covid-adjacent)

Garbage disposal replaced, so we can use both halves of the kitchen sink again. It was leaking from the bottom, which means internal damage. And we couldn’t use that half of the sink at all because of the leak.

The plumber was scheduled to arrive between 10 & 12, got here at 10:30, and was done by 11. First time we’ve had someone else in the apartment in *months*. And it was kind of weird wearing masks at home. It’s like…what’s the etiquette here?


I just realized we wouldn’t have known without the water detector the landlord put in after the dishwasher leak a few years back.

It’s two contacts on the cabinet floor, hooked up to a battery and very loud speaker. Discovered the leak instantly, instead of weeks later after the cabinet turned into a forest of warped particle board and mold.
