
Dreamed I went into the office with several co-workers to fix some problem on-site. When we finished, I decided to grab some things I’d left at my desk back in March.

Found 3 pairs of reading glasses, 2 pairs of sunglasses and a Coraline figurine that I don’t actually have, a desk fan that I do, and 2 computers, a printer, and a fax machine that had been moved onto my desk and left powered on but unused for months.

Fortunately, no 6-month-old banana in the drawer.

On Wandering.shop

Guess there’s some anxiety about electricity use going on…

Also, IRL, I really was worried for a while about whether I’d left a banana in the drawer. I was out with the flu for the week before the office closed, so I never had a chance to go in and pick anything up. Fortunately I always take my laptop home anyway, and even if I didn’t, we’d been directed back in February to start taking them home nightly. I did have to buy & expense a charger, though.