computer trouble, being dealt with, just annoying

1. Had to take the laptop in due to imminent battery failure. Apple apparently designed a laptop that their own techs can’t service, so they had to send it in to swap the battery.

I remember an older model MacBook where I was able to order the replacement battery, have it shipped to my home, and then swap it out using a coin to turn the latch.

2. Had to pull recent stuff off the storage drive in the desktop due to imminent drive failure (thank you SMART warnings!), which is manifesting itself in a drastic collapse of data throughput, which is of course slowing down the process of getting those recent files onto a drive that’s in better shape.

At least I don’t have to run out and buy a replacement drive on a holiday. But it’s still not what I wanted to do with the afternoon.


4 days later

Laptop has been shipped out and back with a new battery, seems to be working fine. 🎉

New HDD should arrive tomorrow, but I’ve got all the data off of the one where SMART was indicating likely failure within 24 hours 😱 and was able to wipe it before it died.

And now my desktop monitor is dying. 🤦‍♂️ Admittedly it’s 12 years old and isn’t even full HD, but FFS, the timing…
