Regarding the Twitter Files

“The Twitter Files” is a series of cherry-picked internal documents that Musk gave to hand-picked sympathetic journalists (including Matt Taibbi) who then portrayed things like an extensive internal debate over whether to ban Trump after his supporters tried to stop the official count of the election he lost as, somehow, evidence of arbitrary liberal censorship, or the Biden campaign (which was not part of the government at the time) asking Twitter to take down posts containing revenge porn as, somehow, an example of government censorship, getting organizations mixed up and at one point even claiming that 22 million tweets were flagged for takedown by one organization, when the real number was only about 3,000 and they weren’t flagged for takedown, only for review, and Twitter left most of them up.

Techdirt has a whole series of posts pointing out the flaws in the claims. This one’s a good place to start.
