Switching to Wayland with an NVidia GPU

Latest attempt to switch my desktop to Wayland with an NVidia GPU: So far, so good!

Gnome is just fine. Most of the desktop apps I’ve tried so far are fine. Minecraft runs well. I’ve spot-checked several Steam games and they’re working well.

The biggest issues I’ve found so far:

  • Some games trip the “not responding” checks during things like level loading.
  • Steam client is a bit laggy and wonky. (Apparently it doesn’t have direct Wayland support yet, and something’s not quiiite there with running it under XWayland.)

Notes to include in tech tips write-up:

– commenting the line in gdm.conf didn’t help

– Had to do this:

How to Enable Wayland for Hybrid NVIDIA Graphics on Fedora Linux 38 Workstation

sudo cp -a /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules

And comment out the TEST and IMPORT lines in the “Check if suspend/resume services necessary for working wayland support is available”

Because of this:


Apparently the tests are to work around a Wayland issue where manually-installed NVidia drivers need additional configuration for suspend/resume to work, but RPMFusion’s packages set up the needed config. Commenting them out should allow GDM to start a Wayland session.

Suspend and resume has worked at least once!


LXQt Wayland support project(for the pinetab): https://github.com/orgs/lxqt/projects/4/views/2