Waterworld: The Right Way to Think About the Battles in Mobile

An interesting metaphor, and it certainly fits with the way I’ve looked at Google, Amazon, and Apple’s strategies.

Waterworld: The Right Way to Think About the Battles in Mobile

Here’s the frame that I use: Apple sells systems. Google sells services. Amazon sells content. Microsoft, in general, sells software, although that’s changing now.

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Ugh. So apparently, getting court-approved access to records wasn’t enough for the NSA. They’ve…


Ugh. So apparently, getting court-approved access to records wasn’t enough for the NSA. They’ve tapped the links between datacenters within Google’s and Yahoo’s internal networks. Google, for their part, has already started moving toward encrypting traffic on their internal net.

A study has estimated the economic cost of food allergies at $24.8 billion/year in the US

A study has estimated the economic cost of food allergies at $24.8 billion/year in the US, about 17% of it being borne by the health care industry and the rest by families. The cost to families includes both out-of-pocket costs (medication, doctor’s visits, specialized food, etc.) and opportunity costs in lost work productivity and, in some cases, lost job opportunities where a parent has to alter or give up a job to provide extra care.

Short article: Food Allergy’s Economic Burden on Families: $3,500 a Year (Allergic Living)

Longer article for those less familiar with what it takes to manage a severe allergy: What Food Allergies Are Costing Families and the Economy (Time)

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