I think we have enough evidence by now that “just do what they say and you won’t get hurt” isn’t even true

North Miami police shoot black man who said his hands were raised while he tried to help autistic group-home resident

What. The. Fuck.

I think we have enough evidence by now that “just do what they say and you won’t get hurt,” aside from being what you tell hostages instead of supposedly free citizens, isn’t even true.

And why did they even have weapons drawn if the caller thought the patient was threatening suicide? Don’t shoot yourself or we’ll shoot you? Really? Does that work?

This is a clear case where de-escalation was necessary — and someone was already doing that. They should have stayed back and let him, not get in the way, screw things up further, and handcuff the victim while he’s bleeding out. He’s lucky to be alive.

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This is something that had been kicking around in my head as well, but @absurdistwords puts it into words better: “What is harrowing about this case is that clearly if the victim wasn’t there this would be about an autistic man killed with a toy truck.”

So the official story is that the officer was trying to shoot the disabled man with the toy truck and missed. As if that makes it any better.

Note: I think this was the post after which my cousin unfriended me on Facebook.

Worth noting that LA’s air continues to get better…

Worth noting that LA’s air continues to get better, and the region has seen a *90% reduction in particle pollution* over the 17 years the report has been running.

LA Still Has Nation’s Unhealthiest Air, But There’s Reason to Breathe Easier

Los Angeles continues to earn its reputation for smog, but air pollution dropped to the lowest level in 17 years of monitoring.

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Interesting approach: Figure out exactly what makes a bacteria strain resistant to a given antibiotic…

Interesting approach: Figure out exactly what makes a bacteria strain resistant to a given antibiotic, then find molecules that counteract that resistance, allowing the old antibiotic to still be effective.

Sidekick chemicals reverse antibiotic resistance in microbes

Mouse study suggests molecules safely restore antibiotics’ ability to take down MRSA.

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