“Solar panels sitting atop a man-made lake in Huainan, China, make up the world’s largest …

“Solar panels sitting atop a man-made lake in Huainan, China, make up the world’s largest floating #solar farm. Sungrow Huainan Solar Farm is capable of producing enough electricity to power 15,000 homes and floats above an area formerly used for coal mining.”

Chinese Floating Solar Farm (Daily Overview)

On Wandering.shop

Interestingly, both Rise of Skywalker & Frozen II are sequels that explain mysteries from previous …

Interestingly, both Rise of Skywalker & Frozen II are sequels that explain mysteries from previous movies that didn’t need to be explained…but I think Frozen does a better job of using the explanation to deepen the story, while the explanations in RoS actually undermine thematic work from the previous films.

On Wandering.shop