It’s been something like 25 years since M&Ms stopped adding peanut flour to the plain M&Ms. And I still haven’t worked up the nerve to eat one.
Category: Wandering.Shop
“Solar panels sitting atop a man-made lake in Huainan, China, make up the world’s largest …
“Solar panels sitting atop a man-made lake in Huainan, China, make up the world’s largest floating #solar farm. Sungrow Huainan Solar Farm is capable of producing enough electricity to power 15,000 homes and floats above an area formerly used for coal mining.”
The existence of formaldehyde implies a familiardehyde.
The existence of formaldehyde implies a familiardehyde.
Me: Your toothpaste has been *waiting* for you to brush your teeth with it!9YO: …
Me: Your toothpaste has been *waiting* for you to brush your teeth with it!
9YO: It can’t wait. Toothpaste waits for nothing.
I keep misspelling Rey’s name, and now I want to know: is there, somewhere in …
I keep misspelling Rey’s name, and now I want to know: is there, somewhere in the expanded #StarWars universe, a character whose name looks or sounds like Shinji to go with her and Ahsoka?
Photos from a rare Los Angeles snowfall, way back in 1949
Photos from a rare Los Angeles snowfall, way back in 1949.
Link: You’re Cooler Than You Think: 98.6 Temperature No Longer the Norm
“Easter Island’s Monoliths Made the Crops Grow” – literally
“Easter Island’s Monoliths Made the Crops Grow” – literally. Dust and fragments from the quarry added much-needed minerals to the soil around it, making it the most fertile area of the isolated island.
Link: Blight wiped out the American chestnut. Parallel efforts are close to bringing it back.
Link: A Blizzard of Tumbleweeds Trapped Cars on a Highway in Washington State
Found this on a restroom changing table. That’s…one really coordinated baby.
The People’s Web
“Every day, millions of people rely on independent websites that are mostly created by regular people, weren’t designed as mobile apps, connect deeply to culture, and aren’t run by the giant tech companies.”
– via @anildash
Have you ever looked at a word so many times that it suddenly starts looking …
Have you ever looked at a word so many times that it suddenly starts looking weird?
I’ve got that going with the word “type” right now.
There is now a sculpture of Pantalaimon & Kirjava behind the bench in the Oxford …
There is now a sculpture of Pantalaimon & Kirjava behind the bench in the Oxford Botanical Gardens that figures in His Dark Materials. Over the years, fans have also carved Lyra + Will into the bench.
Dæmon Sculpture in the Lower Garden
Look, a 100-pack of CDRs!
9YO: Look, a 100-pack of CDRs!
Me: Yeah, we bought one of those 15 years ago and still have some.
Gingerbread Janet
I always thought “garlic in your soul” didn’t fit with the rest. It sounds more …
I always thought “garlic in your soul” didn’t fit with the rest. It sounds more like a foodie than a grouch.
Interestingly, both Rise of Skywalker & Frozen II are sequels that explain mysteries from previous …
Interestingly, both Rise of Skywalker & Frozen II are sequels that explain mysteries from previous movies that didn’t need to be explained…but I think Frozen does a better job of using the explanation to deepen the story, while the explanations in RoS actually undermine thematic work from the previous films.