First thought on hearing that Google was buying Motorola: patent defense for Android phones.
It’s tough to step out for some fresh air when you’re across the street from an airport.
It’s tough to step out for some fresh air when you’re across the street from an airport.
Discussion on Google+:
Wayne: All hogged by the airplanes. sheesh ;>
Stacy: Don’t you just love that smell? Evenings in Manhattan Beach in July…
Me: Yeah, you were close to the refinery, weren’t you? It’s actually pretty nice where we are (closer to Artesia Blvd), but my office is literally across the street from LAX. I can look out the window and watch planes on the runway.
Me: And hear them when they take off, even from inside the building.
Stacy: Redondo we got the airline fuel smell twice a year, when the wind seriously died down. Manhattan Beach it was the month of July, the breeze stopped blowing the airline fuel smell out to Dockweiler and it found us.
Me: Yecch.
Just noticed the Games tab is active on Google+ now
Just noticed the Games tab is active on Google+ now (at least on my account). Surprised they managed to get a Zynga game as part of the launch, even if it is poker and not *ville.
I have given up on GNOME 3.0
I have given up on GNOME 3.0. Never have I before encountered a computer desktop environment that seemed so dedicated to getting in my way of actually accomplishing anything.
On the plus side, KDE 4 seems a lot snappier than I expected.
Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.
Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.
Wayne: Good point. I’m a more later kind of poster mainly because I want to live in the moment. Posting as you experience an event can leave one distracted and I want to get my full “money’s worth” before I go talk about it otherwise I may not have much to talk about. ;p
Though I’ve always wanted to try a live twitter feed of a big presentation like the E3 press conferences with a laptop just for the fun of having the event flow from my fingertips. But that’s mainly because I wouldn’t need to move and I can type without looking at the keyboard. ;>
Me: Great point about actually experiencing an event rather than reporting on it.
I’ve liveblogged a couple of Comic-Con panels, which was kind of neat – but they were all annoucement/Q&A, like a press conference, so they were kind of built for that to begin with. It was neat interacting with people who weren’t there, though, as they offered comments and questions during the event.
Wayne: hehe exactly, I’ve been part of some live tweet sessions giving those comments myself which makes me want to try hosting one. As you said for news bytes they’re short blurts already. (Made for the ADD generation! ;p) So might as well blurt more on it and share. :>
Ugh. It took me more than half an hour to find a parking space this…
Ugh. It took me more than half an hour to find a parking space this morning (after a 20-minute drive to get here). There were days when I was driving 40 miles that getting to work took less time door-to-door. Not many of them, but there were a few.
Spam subject:
I will pay you just for clicking your mouse
Really? AWESOME!
Now, where’s my cash?
Hey! You didn’t say it mattered where I clicked it!
Yes, someone dressed up as the Death Star at Comic-Con!
Yes, someone dressed up as the Death Star at Comic-Con!
The Official Star Wars Blog » Death Star Cosplay Dress!
Jennifer Landa, photo by Bonnie Burton, alternate link at Bit Rebels.
Study Suggests We Think We’ll Have More Time In The Future Than We Have Today
I was looking for articles on computer virtualization (specifically: memory overcommit) and found this. It certainly explains the way my personal to-do list works. (That, and I keep underestimating how long it’ll take to get things done. It’s a one-two punch.)
Why Do We Overcommit? Study Suggests We Think We’ll Have More Time In The Future Than We Have Today
If your appointment book runneth over, it could mean one of two things: Either you are enviably popular or you make the same faulty assumptions about the future as everyone else. Psychological research…
Psykitten Pow’s Flash was the inspiration for the Rule 63 Justice League.
Cool! I hadn’t realized that Psykitten Pow’s Flash was the inspiration for the Rule 63 Justice League.
San Diego Comic-Con Cosplay Spotlight: Gender Bent Justice League – Los Angeles Art – Style Council
LFMF: Before pressing play on the classic “Conan the Barbarian” soundtrack…
LFMF: Before pressing play on the classic “Conan the Barbarian” soundtrack, make sure you check the volume. A small person may have turned it to maximum while playing with the remote. This goes double if you’re standing next to the speaker.
Comments on Google+:
Irredeemable Shag: Ahhh… the joys of parenting!
Me: As it turns out, it wasn’t his fault. We realized that the last time we’d used the stereo, it was to play the iPod through good speakers, and had to turn it way up for that.
Irredeemable Shag: Ahhh… the joys of parenting and blaming our kids for everything. A common occurrence in our household, that’s for sure! 🙂
Things to consider before a redesign
Things to consider before a redesign: Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Will Confuse Your Users. (via
Also applies to logos, branding, fictional reboots, etc.
Today’s baby milestone: J has deleted a blog post…
Today’s baby milestone: J has deleted a blog post I was working on. Hooray for autosave and undo trash.
Wayne comments: Careful with the hacking tools, he may get you yet! ;p
J loves to climb. He started climbing my computer.
J loves to climb. He started climbing my computer. As I was trying to make sure he didn’t hit the power button, he leaned forward and pressed the button to open the DVD drive with his forehead.
Comments from Google+:
Wayne: Was he thinking there would be something inside?
Brion: Sippy cup holder.
Wayne: /facepalm you’re right, it can be
Odd realization: A year from now, I might not be buying any DC Comics.
Odd realization: A year from now, I might not be buying any DC Comics. They’ve spent the last 5 years trying to kill my interest in The Flash, and they’re dangerously close to finishing the job. And all the other “New 52” DC books that look interesting to me (none of them in the mainstream superhero categories, mind you) are on the conventional-wisdom “won’t last six months” list.
I think part of it is that DC periodically buys other comic companies
I think part of it is that DC periodically buys other comic companies or their characters and wants to integrate them into their main line. Fawcett, Charlton, WildStorm, Milestone, etc.
Another part is that most of DC’s big characters go back, in some form, to the late 1930s or early 1940s. Marvel as we know it today essentially started in the Silver Age with Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Hulk, etc. The biggest Golden-Age character for Marvel is Captain America, who was frozen in ice until the Silver Age. So effectively, Marvel has fewer years of stories to keep in continuity.
It feels so weird to be in the office at this hour instead of driving down to San Diego for Comic-Con.
It feels so weird to be in the office at this hour instead of driving down to San Diego for Comic-Con.
Dinner party on the 405
Useful if you still follow email mailing lists: How to filter on the List-Id header in various clients…even Outlook .
Useful if you still follow email mailing lists: How to filter on the List-Id header in various clients…even Outlook.
Looked at the detailed battery use on my phone…
Looked at the detailed battery use on my phone. I know reception in this building is awful, but apparently it’s spent 55% of its time since I unplugged it this morning with no signal. No wonder the battery drains even when I don’t use it!