I think it depends on what you consider to be a multiverse.

I think it depends on what you consider to be a multiverse. Does it only refer to a rigid structure like the modern 52-universe DC multiverse, or does it include more fluid concepts like Hypertime or Michael Moorcock’s body of work?

I think as fans we tend to overanalyze and categorize things, and the industry is essentially run by fans these days. So there are people out there for whom it matters that Young Justice takes place on “Earth-16” and not simply in the Young Justice continuity. And fans overwhelmingly rejected Hypertime, which was designed not to impose a structure on the DC Multiverse but to describe how it actually works.

I do think there’s value in, as you say, being able to open the door between worlds. One of the oldest tropes of the super-hero story is the crossover. Whether it’s Superman and Batman teaming up, or two versions of the Flash, or Batman and Captain America, it’s a trope with tons of story potential.

If you have a chance, I’d recommend the trade paperback “Planetary: Crossing Worlds” by Warren Ellis. It includes a Batman story in which the team ends up jumping through the multiverse, meeting different variations on Batman (including both the Adam West and Frank Miller versions).

Reply to “DAE think that the multiverse explanation of variations on the same story unnecessary?” On Reddit

Least Favorite Retcon

Barry Allen being the source of the Speed Force.

It just feels like a cheap gimmick to make him more important than all the other Flashes, not just for now (like Wally discovering new ways to use the Speed Force or Bart absorbing it), but forever. No one can ever be better than him, no one can ever surpass him, no one can really succeed him without being second-rate, because hey, being a Flash is all about Barry Allen!

It’s like two kids trying to one-up each other in a bidding war, and one pulls out, “well, I bid infinity!” When it’s a kid, you laugh at that sort of thing. When it’s the Chief Creative Officer of the company, it’s canon.

On Reddit

Now I know why AT&T’s website couldn’t figure out whether our future address can get…

Now I know why AT&T's website couldn't figure out whether our future address can get U-Verse. The city's phone service is handled by Verizon. (And yes, FIOS is available!) You'd think someone would program it to say, “Sorry, AT&T does not service this area” instead of, “I don't recognize that address. Would you like us to research it and get back to you in 2 weeks?”

On Facebook

Level 2 coffee? Character profiles? Is this a new Coffee-themed RPG?

Level 2 coffee? Character profiles? Is this a new Coffee-themed RPG?

For the record: The back explains that it's roasting levels.

Katie: I can see coffee having strength, constitution, and charisma, but the rest…not so much.

Wayne: roasting levels themselves are a stat right? ;> Actually, how does one measure charisma on coffee? How sane it ends up making you after you drink it? ;p

Katie: I'd think of coffee charisma as being layperson appeal…how friendly it is to the general public's palate. But tea automatically has a better charisma, being CHA.

Wayne: (forehead slap) groooan TEAed off good there

Kelson: That's a measurement of Total Effective Armor, right?

Wayne:totally 🙂

Katie:Yeah, that stat increases steeply over time. Makes a big difference in whether you take one lump or two.


Glenna:now, do you want Charisma to mean attractiveness of a person or how hyper-bunny that person is thus driving the rest of us insane? lol 😀

On Facebook

It’s funny how the last parking spaces to be filled are always the ones under the light poles. I only took one ONCE & had to wash my car…

It’s funny how the last parking spaces to be filled are always the ones under the light poles. I only took one ONCE & had to wash my car the next day. As near as I could tell, every bird in Norwalk had perched on that light during the course of the day.

Barn After the Storm

Old Town Irvine After the Storm

Well, technically, it’s Old Town Irvine during a lull in a storm last December. The clouds were moving very fast, with light and shadow moving over the empty fields and office parks, and I waited several minutes for the sun to play over this scene.

I particularly liked the contrast of the dead brown tumbleweeds scattered around the bright green meadow.

My one regret with this photo is not being able to capture the steep drop-off into a wash right below the frame. I could get the wash, or the sky, but not both.