I find it amusing that there's a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
I find it amusing that there's a production of Arcadia in…Sierra Madre. So close!
I find it amusing that when they updated the article, they made sure to add “Felt in Los Angeles!” to the headline.
That was a surprisingly long earthquake. When it started, it was mild enough that I thought it was just someone walking heavily across the office. (I wonder how many small quakes I don't notice because of that?) After ~20 seconds, the shaking got stronger…and it just kept going. 60 seconds? 90? USGS rates it at 5.4 near Anza-Borrego.
OK, that *is* an earthquake. For about 30 seconds I thought someone was stomping around or something.
So, 5.9 quake near Anza Borrego. That was a *long* one. It felt like it lasted at least a minute from here.
Strike that – in the last couple of minutes they’ve downgraded it to 5.4.
BBQ with the in-laws Friday night, Westercon on Saturday, fireworks at the beach on Sunday. Today I think I'm just going to hang out at home.
Stayed late to work on a project, which meant I was already in the office to deal with a catastrophic server problem. That's *mostly* done, but I'm keeping an eye on the last stage since it ran into some more problems about 5 minutes before I expected to leave.
I’ve always wondered how the name of Japan’s currency ended up meaning “craving” in English. It turns out to be a coincidence, with the word most likely taken from Chinese yáhn or yin.
No, I actually don’t want to restart my computer now, but under the circumstances, it’s probably better not to wait.
I must have seen at least 100 squirrels just walking down one block in Irvine. That’s the EDGE of the lot. There must be even more inside.
Observations uploaded to iNaturalist in 2019:
There were a *lot* of squirrels in the hedge and lawn between an empty lot and the street. I posted on Twitter at the time that I’d seen at least 100 along the edge of the block.
Lovely. A bunch of people refuse to vaccinate their kids, and what happens? Outbreak. Of whooping cough. Jerks.
Interesting analogy: web services as governments.
Tip for when you ask someone for tech support: If they ask you a series of questions in response, there's probably a reason for each question. Please try to answer *all* of them, not just the ones you feel like answering.
Santiago Canyon after Rain, originally uploaded by Kelson.
Looking roughly southeast on the side of Santiago Canyon Road, somewhere between Irvine Lake and the turnoff for Silverado Canyon. The peaks of Saddleback, with a dusting of snow barely visible at larger sizes, are shrouded in clouds.
Taken between rainstorms last January.
Oh, great, the new Flickr/Facebook integration posts an update for *every single photo* you upload instead of sending out one notice for the whole batch. Sorry about the picspam.
Um…what? (The actual stories seem to be dealing with real-world stuff like the Twilight *ahem* DieLite craze and zombie crawls, but still…)
The car companies’ offices are all getting taken over by restaurants. First Taco Bell took Ford. Now Yard House has Daimler-Chrysler.
Ah, software naming schemes! Fedora has an update to “glib bindings for telepathy.”
Nikon camera lost at sea found 1000 miles away
Complete with video shot by a sea turtle!
Reminder to self: do not upgrade ANYTHING optional, no matter how trivial, at 1AM.
I need more coffee. I misread “The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice” as “The Libertarian…”