I love this explanation of “opt-in” co-reg marketing “permission”

I love this explanation of “opt-in” co-reg marketing “permission” (if you can call it that):

A husband gets permission from his wife to go to the pub on certain nights of the week with his mates, then sometime later later gets divorced, re-married, and then uses the original permission as an excuse when his new partner moans about his social habits.

Cloudmark Blog | Optical express SMS Spam in the UK

Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.

Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.

Bonus points for using the nonstandard phrase “denotify” instead of something more easily understood like “unsubscribe”

It’s almost like they’re TRYING to look like spam.

This email was broadcast to…

“This email was broadcast to UCLA Volleyball ticket buyers, Volleyball Insiders and data collection contacts subscribed to the Olympic Sports Bruin Alert.” None of which apply, so get out of my inbox.

Bonus points for making me wait in line to unsubscribe.

Extra bonus points for, as near as I can tell, automatically subscribing me to new lists when I had previously unsubscribed from everything after giving them the benefit of the doubt last time. (I never did sign up for UCLA athletics, but I did sign up for UCLA arts, and I suspect they got their lists mixed up at some point.)

It’s long past time to start reporting this junk as spam.

Unknown Caller is still trying to call me twice a day.

Unknown Caller is still trying to call me twice a day. But I guess it must not be that important, since they can’t be bothered to leave a message, and they went to the trouble of blocking Caller ID so that I can’t call them back.

Wayne comments: I’ve been getting regular calls from an 800 number that also doesn’t leave a message. Wonder if they’re related. ;p


Finally picked up the “Unknown” caller who’s been calling 2-3 times daily and not leaving a message. They hung up immediately. #WTF


Crossing against the light when no one’s around is one thing. Brazenly sauntering across the…

Crossing against the light when no one's around is one thing. Brazenly sauntering across the street while a green arrow is directing a long line of cars into your path, then stopping in the middle of the street and flicking them off while they pass you as if *they're* the ones in the wrong? That says you want to show off your guts a bit too literally.

On Facebook

Gee, thanks SOPA. Sort of.

Comment on Web Giants Form US Internet Lobby Group

I remember this being something that came up during the fight over SOPA: Namely, that while the entertainment industry is used to lobbying the government, the tech industry was fractured and didn’t see lobbying as a high priority, so the success Hollywood had at railroading some of those crazy ideas just blindsided them. (Stacked hearings, deliberately ignoring experts, etc.) It became clear that something would have to level the field, and since we know the RIAA, MPAA and friends aren’t going to back off on their lobbying (and we know the government isn’t going to stop listening to lobbyists), the solution is a tech lobby.

On Slashdot