My calendar lists last Tuesday as “Election Patch Day.” I guess you could consider elections to be patches keeping the government up to date
Can we finally bury the SCO case now, or will it once again rise from the grave as a shambling undead corpse?
Can we finally bury the SCO case now, or will it once again rise from the grave as a shambling undead corpse?
Awesome photo: skydiving past a shuttle launch
Awesome photo: skydiving past a shuttle launch
Solar powered car looks like a shrubbery.
Solar Powered Shrub Car is Not Your “Garden Variety” EV
The things you find on Slashdot. This is like something out of a spy spoof. Or maybe The Tick.
I like open primaries in theory, but what CA just passed actually *reduces* choice on…
I like open primaries in theory, but what CA just passed actually *reduces* choice on the final ballot: only the top 2 from the primary. How long until the first election where both candidates are the same party?
Simulating HTML links with Javascript is like taking the bus to get from one end of the couch to the other.
Simulating HTML links with Javascript is like taking the bus to get from one end of the couch to the other.
Sightings line up perfectly with the Falcon 9 launch.
Oh, those Falcon UFOs
Yesterday, a lot of Australians reported seeing a bizarre UFO. Just before 6:00 a.m. local time, numerous reports came in about a spiral of light in the sky with a bright central spot. The light was actually spinning around, like a pinwheel!
Sightings line up perfectly with the Falcon 9 launch.
First Falcon 9 rocket blasts off
By the time you get to 50% ABV, can you really call it beer?
Extreme beer – man’s favourite drink suddenly gets much stronger
By the time you get to 50% ABV, can you really call it beer?
Weird: I just saw a NIXON/AGNEW bumper sticker. On a class of car that didn’t exist during Nixon’s lifetime.
Weird: I just saw a NIXON/AGNEW bumper sticker. On a class of car that didn’t exist during Nixon’s lifetime.
Wow. Some downtown San Diego lots are pre-selling parking now….
Wow. Some downtown San Diego lots are pre-selling parking now. If you want to park underneath the convention center, I’m guessing you’ll need to buy it today.
Haven’t seen the #FlashForward finale yet. TV signal was bad, so we put in a Wonderfalls DVD instead. Planning to catch it on Hulu tomorrow.
Haven’t seen the #FlashForward finale yet. TV signal was bad, so we put in a Wonderfalls DVD instead. Planning to catch it on Hulu tomorrow.
That’s a huge change. You used to have to watch through the distortion, or hope for a rerun, or find someone in another area who taped it.
…or otherwise go through unofficial channels. Now, if technical problems screw up a broadcast, you’ve got Hulu, Amazon, iTunes, etc.
Either it rained, or someone went around the parking lot spraying cars with a garden hose. SoCal in May? The hose is almost more likely!
Either it rained, or someone went around the parking lot spraying cars with a garden hose. SoCal in May? The hose is almost more likely!
Video Gamers Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests
Video Gamers Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests
Playing video games before bedtime may give people an unusual level of awareness and control in their dreams, LiveScience has learned.
I wish Windows screenshots created a file instead of copying to clipboard. Clients paste error messages into what they know best: Word docs.
I wish Windows screenshots created a file instead of copying to clipboard. Clients paste error messages into what they know best: Word docs.
Gnarled Tree
Somewhere in Cuyamaca State Park (now Cuyamaca Rancho State Park) in the mountains east of San Diego, California. We camped at Paso Picacho, but I don’t remember whether this was near the campsite or spotted during a hike.
This was taken in April 2002, about a year and a half before a devastating fire destroyed large areas of the park.
(It was also about a year before I got my first digital camera, so this image was scanned from a print.)
Ugh. Got an idiot posting about “chemtrails” on my rainbow cloud photo. The only chemical needed is H2O. *plonk*
WTF: Arizonans want to boycott San Diego until…
WTF: Arizonans want to boycott San Diego until SD stops boycotting AZ…but SD ISN’T boycotting AZ in the first place!
Because offering to stop sending electricity to Los Angeles isn’t weird enough.
Santa Ana Mountains Snow II
According to Flickr, this is my most interesting* photo that isn’t someone in costume at a fan convention. It’s #68 on the list!
The photo was taken December 18, 2008, after a storm passed through Orange County and did something unusual: it blanketed the Santa Ana Mountains with snow. Saddleback typically gets a light dusting a couple of times a year, and the next peak down sometimes gets a little snow that melts by noon, but it’s rare for the snow to reach any lower.
The vantage point is a housing development on Quail Hill, looking southeast over the Irvine Spectrum area. You can see the Great Park Balloon near the left. Saddleback itself is out of frame to the right, but you can see its base (the peaks are covered in clouds) in the panorama I shot at the same time.
*Flickr’s “interestingness” is a measure that combines a count of views, comments, and “favorites.” The exact balance is secret, but from what I can tell, comments outweigh favorites, which outweigh views.
I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. FlashForward has been a study in missed opportunities…
[ABC Cancels Romantically Challenged, Scrubs, Ted, Flashforward]
I can't say I didn't see it coming. FlashForward has been a study in missed opportunities from episode two onward, and Better Off Ted had “Too Good to Last” stamped on every frame. OTOH, at least we know ABC will *show* the last two episodes of FF. I'm not so confident about Ted.