So, Vivaldi *does* have arm64 packages for Linux! Both RPM and Deb. Unfortunately the arm device I want to install it on is r…

So, Vivaldi does have arm64 packages for Linux! Both RPM and Deb. Unfortunately the arm device I want to install it on is running Arch, and the Arch packages only know about x86_64.

But it looks like the Arch packages download the RPM and repackage it, which means I can probably download the PKG BUILD file, swap in the relevant architecture, and install however many prerequisites I need, and it should build an Arch package with the arm64 version of Vivaldi. (I did something similar with a Network Manager app, though that was building from source.)

It’s like the bad old days of Linux when even getting stuff to run on x86 hardware was kinda dicey.

I don’t miss it.

#linux #archlinux #vivaldi #arm64
