Article at Reactor about the planning it took to get five years of Babylon 5 to tell a complete story, the curves thrown at i…

Article at Reactor about the planning it took to get five years of Babylon 5 to tell a complete story, the curves thrown at it by outside circumstances (actors leaving, premature cancellation, etc.), and the seat-of-the-pants swerves that sometimes worked out better, sometimes not as good as what could have been.

Babylon 5 Was the Ultimate Exercise in Plotting vs. Pantsing

In its very bones, Babylon 5 was a unique experience. It was a bold attempt to experiment with the conventional format of TV, with a serialized storyline and continuity, unlike earlier shows like Star Trek or Quantum Leap or any number of other “story of the week” style science fiction programs. Here in our current era, post-prestige TV, that kind of storytelling is common, but in the 1990s, when Babylon 5 first entered pre-production, it was nearly unheard of.

#TV #scifi #babylon5


Re: DS9 as a B5 Knockoff

There are some loose similarities at the beginning and some oddly specific but otherwise superficial similarities later on. Plus the usual weird moments when both shows came up with similar ideas at the same time & found out about it when the other show’s episode aired. #

I eventually concluded I believe the people doing the show when they said it wasn’t a deliberate knockoff.

But I’m still not convinced there wasn’t someone in corporate who saw JMS’ pitch, decided they needed to get out in front of it, and suggested a station-based spinoff to the Trek people. #

@Einahpets Used to be the Flash (comics, way before the TV show) and Babylon 5. …

@Einahpets Used to be the Flash (comics, way before the TV show) and Babylon 5. Actually going back further I wrote fanfic for Blake’s 7.

For years I obsessively maintained a Flash fan site with character bios & appearances, starting in the pre-wiki era & keeping it going because I was doing research into the old issues. I still maintain a fan blog, but I don’t write much for it anymore.

On BookToot.Club

Babylon 5 vid to Nobody’s Side from Chess.

After realizing that “Suddenly,” the new song in the Les Miserables movie, reminded me of “Someone Else’s Story” from Chess, I decided to dig out that soundtrack. And that reminded me of this official Babylon 5 music video set to “Nobody’s Side.”

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