Back from Oregon & posting more eclipse photos!

Photo taken at: Woodburn, Oregon

Back from Oregon & posting more #eclipse photos! We took a family vacation up to Portland & went down to Woodburn for the day of the eclipse.
Seeing a total solar eclipse in person was amazing. Photos just don’t do it justice.

For one thing the corona is really bright. Not harmfully bright, and not enough to block out stars and planets, but enough that it drowned out the shadowed moon when I tried to do full-sky shots.
The sky was dark blue like twilight, with a light orange band around the horizon. Where the sun would be was the solid black disc of the moon, surrounded by the streaming white corona, looking like a home in the sky.

It lasted a little over a minute. It felt like no time at all.

More thoughts & pictures at the link in my profile, in case you’re interested.

#eclipse2017 #solareclipse #solareclipse2017

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Total Solar Eclipse 2017 (Gallery)

Expanded on K2R

I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until…

I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until my brain latched onto a familiar set of notes and started trying to place it. Wait… That couldn't be a dance/pop version of “Popular” from “Wicked,” could it? Apparently it was.

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Sometime in the middle of last decade, my allergist brought up the possibility of Xolair…

New Study: Asthma Medication May Facilitate Peanut Oral Immunotherapy

Sometime in the middle of last decade, my allergist brought up the possibility of Xolair as a way of controlling my allergies. It's approved as an asthma medication, but it works by inhibiting IgE, which is part of the pathway for most severe allergies as well. It was an off-label use, and hideously expensive at the time, so I didn't try it. It's interesting to see that it's getting studied now.

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