I think we have enough evidence by now that “just do what they say and you won’t get hurt,” aside from being what you tell hostages instead of supposedly free citizens, isn’t even true…

North Miami police shoot black man who said his hands were raised while he tried to help autistic group-home resident

What. The. Fuck.

I think we have enough evidence by now that “just do what they say and you won’t get hurt,” aside from being what you tell hostages instead of supposedly free citizens, isn’t even true.

And why did they even have weapons drawn if the caller thought the patient was threatening suicide? Don’t shoot yourself or we’ll shoot you? Really? Does that work?

This is a clear case where de-escalation was necessary — and someone was already doing that. They should have stayed back and let him, not get in the way, screw things up further, and handcuff the victim while he’s bleeding out. He’s lucky to be alive.

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This is something that had been kicking around in my head as well, but @absurdistwords puts it into words better: “What is harrowing about this case is that clearly if the victim wasn’t there this would be about an autistic man killed with a toy truck.”

So the official story is that the officer was trying to shoot the disabled man with the toy truck and missed. As if that makes it any better. https://www.cnn.com/2016/07/22/us/north-miami-police-charles-kinsey-shooting/index.html

What a glorious feeling…

What a glorious feeling...

So I had this big plan to set up a still life with J’s tap shoes for the Singing In The Rain theme. Let’s just say that didn’t work out.

Then it started to rain, and of course four-year-olds love walking in the rain, so we went out, and on the way back I noticed he was twirling his umbrella, totally unprompted, so I pulled out my phone.

Sometimes the off-the-cuff moments trump the planned ones.

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One-color version

I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until…


I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until my brain latched onto a familiar set of notes and started trying to place it. Wait… That couldn't be a dance/pop version of “Popular” from “Wicked,” could it? Apparently it was.

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You know the stories about how McDonald’s burgers don’t rot…

The Burger Lab: Revisiting the Myth of the 12-Year-Old McDonald’s Burger That Just Won’t Rot (Testing Results!)

You know the stories about how McDonald’s burgers don’t rot, and therefore must not really be food? Someone did an actual controlled experiment on this to figure out why, and it turns out that it only works with the smallest, thinnest burgers, because they dry out before they start to decay. It’s burger jerky. Try it with a thicker McDonald’s burger, or put it in a plastic bag, and it’ll decay just like “real” food. Homemade burgers behave the same way.

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Updated link on Postmarks.

Interesting idea: We can’t predict earthquakes, but we CAN send alerts faster than the shaking travels.

Interesting idea: We can’t predict earthquakes, but we can broadcast alerts faster than the shaking travels, giving people a few seconds to prepare. (Save your work, climb down off a ladder, etc.)

Quake experts call for an advance-warning system for California

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