Readable Email and Web Pages…

New tech tip on my website!

Readable Email and Web Pages
It’s 2024. If you’re still designing websites or email like you would design an 8.5×11″ promotional hand-out on a sheet of paper, you really haven’t been paying attention to how people use the internet over the past decade.

#web-development #webDevelopment #css #usability #accessibility #howTo #techTips


All I wanted to do was fix a pair of broken links. Then I went …

All I wanted to do was fix a pair of broken links. Then I went down the rabbit hole trying to figure out why digital editions of #ClassicsIllustrated's entire line seemed to have disappeared from the net.

New blog post:

#comics #LesMiserables #ebooks


Throwback Thursday: Stuck in the emergency room during Comic Con last year. Note the Graphitti …

Throwback Thursday: Stuck in the emergency room during Comic Con last year. Note the Graphitti wristband allowing me to buy one of their exclusives. I never made it back to the floor that weekend. Full story at K2R, but TL;DR is undisclosed peanut powder in a coffee drink put me into anaphylactic shock.

I’m hoping this year will go better!

On a related note, I’ll be participating in the Walk for Food Allergy in September, to raise funds for FARE, an organization dedicated to food allergy research, education, and advocacy. You can donate here.

Thank you!

I saw Endeavour on one of its flybys today, and watched it land at LAX….

I saw Endeavour on one of its flybys today, and watched it land at LAX. 

There were a few snags (like the fact that the space shuttle flew past the OTHER side of the building twice when I wasn’t expecting it), but that’s what makes it a story and not just a statement, right? Read on (plus more photos)!