Finally caught up on #Sandman! I’m pretty sure that anyone who considers this…

Finally caught up on #Sandman!

I’m pretty sure that anyone who considers this TV adaptation to be “too woke” either wouldn’t have liked the original comics to begin with, or is hung up on characters being played by Black actors, which makes you wonder why they’d choose that hill to die on…

I mean, Death is perfect. Rose is perfect. Unity’s great. Hector is frankly a better version of the character anyway. Lucienne looks the most different, but her performance is spot-on as Lucien.


The rest of the socio-political aspects, though? The LGBTQ characters? The writer who claims to be feminist while assaulting a woman he keeps locked up in his house? The Corinthian inspiring a century of the worst of humanity and tying it to the dark side of the American Dream?

It’s all there in the source material. It just would’ve been harder to put it on TV back in 1989.


Found that if you accidentally leave location data on when you don’t want to save …

Found that if you accidentally leave location data on when you don’t want to save it, you can’t remove it using Google Photos. You can hide it from GP, but the geotag is still in the file.

On a Mac, though, Preview will let you view image metadata and delete just the GPS, so you don’t need to mess with a full photo editor or ExifTool.

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