I really appreciate Morrison’s work on Flash and JLA


Oh my god, dude I love this. It’s like a plot out of the silver age.

[Yeah, the Silver Age was definitely the inspiration for this story!  There are plenty of winks and nods to it throughout the story, not the least of which is the dedication to John Broome. –Lia]

I really appreciate Morrison’s work on Flash and JLA because for him, bringing back the Silver Age didn’t mean just bringing back specific characters, it meant bringing back the creativity, the wild and madcap ideas, the storytelling sense that anything is possible.

A reminder to those still reblogging and complaining about Teen Titans Go:


I think one of the markers of maturity is to look at a piece of art or pop culture and say, “Well, this isn’t my thing, but that’s OK.”

But of course that’s a lot quieter than complaining about kids these days and their awful TV shows/music/whatever, and how it’s nowhere near as good as the equivalent when *I* was that age (that I’m remembering through rose colored glasses, and of course that *shaped* my tastes), now that stuff was the pinnacle of TV/movies/sci-fi novels/etc. and everything out now is trash.

So guess which viewpoint gets noticed.

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Interesting graph of LA smog trends from 1976 through 2012. Note the general downward trend …

Interesting graph of LA smog trends from 1976 through 2012. Note the general downward trend despite the fact that we have *more cars* on the road now than we did 40 years ago.

Source: Q&A: 25 years and counting of Metro Rail, part two

Comment from Tal: I guess those big exhaust fans in the hills are working. Oh you thought they were generating electricity huh?

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Golden Age Flash vs. the Measles

In “Play of the Year” (March 1943), a theater producer sabotages a rival’s production by faking a measles outbreak among the cast. The boarding house where they’re all staying is immediately quarantined.

Of course, this is a Jay Garrick Flash story, so there’s a madcap solution: the Flash will perform every part in the play at once!

Golden Age Flash vs. the Measles

As someone who grew up after the measles vaccine, I tended to think of it as not a big deal, just one of those childhood diseases that previous generations had to deal with. So back in the mid-2000s when I was tracking down every Golden Age Flash story I could find, I was surprised to see that Flash Comics #39 treated it as serious business (which, of course, it is).

I’ve taken to automatically spelling my name when I give it to someone







I’ve given up trying to correct people.

Honestly mine isnt even hard but people are dumb

Seriously how hard is it to spell Laurel?! It’s literally Lauren with an L

BOTH oh my god just sound it out it’s not that hard people see more than 6 letters in my last name and freak out like it’s yiddish or something

I don’t know how many people think my name is Sanna or Stina when it is Sinna

I no longer correct people unless their error would create problems in the future (such as something tied to ID or legally/medically important).  I just go with whatever they call me or however they spell it, because 99% of people who don’t know me well get it wrong.

I’ve taken to automatically spelling my name when I give it to someone who might need to write it down. I actually have to stop myself sometimes.  It still doesn’t always work.

Convention fans, by the numbers.

Convention fans, by the numbers. The article where I found this was particularly interested in the fact that younger con-going fans are 50/50 male/female.

Found at https://www.comicsbeat.com/eventbrite-research-younger-congoers-5050-male-to-female/

Comment by Lee Vibber: The general results pretty much match my experience in recent years.

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