Got StreetComplete running under Waydroid! I don’t plan on editing with it on my desktop, but I can use it to find areas I’ve…

Got StreetComplete running under Waydroid! I don’t plan on editing with it on my desktop, but I can use it to find areas I’ve missed and do some armchair mapping with bing or mapillary images.



It looks like Waydroid still doesn’t get location pass-through from the host system, but I can at least tell it “download data here” and see, for example, where I haven’t mapped sidewalks yet.

Contemplating adding the etymology…

Contemplating adding the etymology for a bunch of streets that are clearly named after rich American industrialists of the 19th and early 20th centuries (Carnegie, Vanderbilt, etc.), but remembering the computer lab in college where we allegedly named the servers after four Renaissance artists. Perhaps it’s best to confirm that there isn’t another pattern at work.

