Literally confusing hawks and doves.

Pigeon on a spiky tree branch surrounded by leaves.

Pigeon on a spiky tree branch surrounded by leaves.

Usually #iNaturalist’s AI is pretty good at narrowing down to a genus, but sometimes it can get confused. Like this #pigeon sitting on a silk floss tree branch. It was “pretty sure” it was a *hawk*.

Um, nope!

I can sort of see that with the first image, but the second one makes it blindingly obvious!

#birds #nature

On PixelFed.Social

@KelsonV I just realized it’s literally confusing hawks and doves.

On Photog.Social
Expanded on K2R

Fragments of a circumhorizon arc

Cirrus clouds/contrails above a spiky plant, with a rainbow-colored section of cloud.

Cirrus clouds/contrails above palm trees, with two sections of cloud in rainbow-like colors.

Fragments of a #CircumhorizonArc seen on my way back from lunch today. I took some shots with my phone, because that's what I had, then remembered that I had the good camera with me and grabbed it from the office. The clouds had shifted, but not far enough to destroy the effect completely.

#halos #rainbow #clouds #sky

On PixelFed.Social
Oh, and saturation has been enhanced on both photos to bring out the colors.

Just realized: autocorrect turned “cirrus clouds” into “citrus clouds” in the image descriptions. Yes, both of them.

Expanded on K2R

TODO: link Flickr & Pixelfed posts to blog entry

This squirrel bounded along a wall carrying a walnut in its mouth…

This squirrel bounded along a wall carrying a walnut in its mouth as I walked down the sidewalk. It stopped and looked at me as if it had been caught in the act of walnut burglary. I had enough time to snap a couple of pictures with my phone *and* pull out my camera for a better shot before it scampered away.

#nature #photography #squirrel

Squirrel with a walnut in its mouth.

On Photog.Social
On K2R

On iNaturalist