During the 2017 “superbloom.”
Tag: Photo Only on iNaturalist
At least two, possibly three monarchs flying around a parking lot. They settled on this tree long enough for me to catch a couple of photos.
Hummingbirds (HB, silhouetted in tree)
There were a zillion of these tiny hummingbirds darting around in the trees, pausing just long enough for me to focus and then zooming away before I could snap an actual photo. This is the only one I actually caught in frame!
Monarch (in the sky)
Saw this lone monarch flying around above the sidewalk next to a busy street. Took my phone out on the off chance I might be able catch it in frame and maybe be able to tell it was orange in the picture. Had no idea I’d actually be able to see the pattern on the wings once I’d zoomed in on it!
Black Phoebe
I saw several of these really tiny lizards skittering around. I don’t know if this is just how big they grow, or if they’re juveniles. I think they were only about three inches long including the tail.
Desert Cottontail (SCBG, in open)
House Sparrow
Castor Bean
Gulf Fritillary (SCBG on bush)
A few weeks ago I saw a lot of monarchs. Today I saw a lot of these.
Desert Cottontail (SCBG Tram Road)
Cottontail and Squirrel (SCBG Driveway)
As I was driving away after the hike, I stopped to avoid hitting a rabbit in the driveway. I waited, and it moved, and then I grabbed the camera. Then I noticed a squirrel a few feet away from where it had hopped to. Once I’d taken a couple of photos, I carefully drove around them and out onto the main road.
Desert Cottontail on iNaturalist
Fox Squirrel on iNaturalist
Rufous, Allen’s, and Allied Hummingbirds
American Wigeon
Mitred Parakeet
It’s not uncommon to hear the parakeets flying overhead (and sometimes see them), but it’s been a while since I’ve seen any close enough to take a picture. These two were just sitting on a cable, totally quiet.
Gulf Fritillary (on hedge)
Bold Jumping Spider
Common Green Darner
Elephant Seals
I could not believe how *many* elephant seals there were in this one cove!
Elephant Seals
I could not believe how *many* elephant seals there were in this one cove!