Moments after the sun set beyond the ocean, a last flash of refracted light burst out.

Moments after the sun set beyond the ocean, a last flash of refracted light burst out. It doesn’t look like a green flash in this shot, but if you swipe across, you can see a few seconds earlier, where there is definitely a green ring around the flattened image.

#sunset #greenflash

Something’s just hovering above downtown LA, way off in the distance.

Working near an airport I’m used to seeing planes flying nearby and in the distance. But this afternoon something’s just hovering above downtown LA, way off in the distance.

I figured it was the Good Year Blimp, though I couldn’t tell for sure without the zoom on my camera. (Not that there are any other blimps that frequent the LA skies these days, but you never know.) It’s interesting just how odd it is when something looks vaguely like an airplane from a great distance, but doesn’t move like one. The other day I saw a bird hovering in a headwind. Same sort of “what IS that?” moment before I recognized it.

#losangeles #mountains #blimp #skyline #mtwilson #goodyearblimp #phonewantsmetotypeblimo