I’ve taken to automatically spelling my name when I give it to someone







I’ve given up trying to correct people.

Honestly mine isnt even hard but people are dumb

Seriously how hard is it to spell Laurel?! It’s literally Lauren with an L

BOTH oh my god just sound it out it’s not that hard people see more than 6 letters in my last name and freak out like it’s yiddish or something

I don’t know how many people think my name is Sanna or Stina when it is Sinna

I no longer correct people unless their error would create problems in the future (such as something tied to ID or legally/medically important).  I just go with whatever they call me or however they spell it, because 99% of people who don’t know me well get it wrong.

I’ve taken to automatically spelling my name when I give it to someone who might need to write it down. I actually have to stop myself sometimes.  It still doesn’t always work.

Imagine if the whole, beautifully paved world looked like this. These are solar panels…


Imagine if the whole, beautifully paved world looked like this.

These are solar panels that, if placed in the place of roadways and other paving sites (parking lots, parks, etc) can produce more renewable energy than the entire country produces.

It’s currently in the prototype stage with amazing results. Plus, they can be used in all weather situations that will also make icy roads a thing of the past. Heating elements will melt any ice and snow that sits on top. Another thing, they come with LEDs inside so that you’ll have a better view of the road as you drive. All powered by solar energy.

I Fucking Love Science posted an article about it and it’s also raising money on indiegogo, which is disgustingly far from the goal. They have some pretty sweet gifts, including bumper stickers, a necklace containing pieces of the prototypes, and an entire working prototype of the plates.

BONUS: The prototypes were made of 10% recycled plastic AND can still handle the heaviest trucks. Imagine what the final product could do.

I urge everyone to at least reblog and spread the message so that hopefully this reaches the goal at May 31st. Projects like this hit me right in the heart because of my passion for renewable energy, which is what I hope to deal with once I’m done with my Engineering degree. I would gladly work on this project if I could, but for now I’m going to settle with donating as much as I can and spreading the word as far as possible.

So, signal boost! <3

itswalky: i wanted to make everyone else as mad as i am right now…


i wanted to make everyone else as mad as i am right now, so here you go

thanks internet

addendum 1: yeah that’s right, that one at the bottom is using these characters to make an anti-environmental message somehow, LAND OF IRONY INDEED

addendum 2: the first strip in that linked Cagle.com archive is basically a redone Matt Bors cartoon from years back

Ugh. Winter doesn’t disprove global warming any more than night disproves lengthening days during spring. It’s midnight and the sun’s down!  So much for your days-getting-longer theory!

Reading up on the Paris catacombs. How did Hugo manage not to include these

This Creepily Beautiful Chapel in Czermna, Poland, Is Constructed Out of Thousands of Human Bones

On Tumblr

eighteenbelow:DC, I don’t know whether to laugh at you or cry.


DC, I don’t know whether to laugh at you or cry.  But please get help for your ’90s addiction, because you’re only hurting yourself.

I don’t have a problem with a return to the 90s per se. I just wish they were interested in bringing back the GOOD parts of the 90s instead of the stuff I rolled my eyes at the first time around.