“You have a broken link to a respected source. Here, link to my site instead.” The link’s not broken. What, you thought I wouldn’t check?
“Stay thirsty” seems like a weird way to promote a beverage. I mean, people drink to *stop* being thirsty!
“Stay thirsty” seems like a weird way to promote a beverage. I mean, people drink to *stop* being thirsty!
What made me think taking the bus would *simplify* my commute to an office next
What made me think taking the bus would *simplify* my commute to an office next to LAX on the day before Thanksgiving?
I realize we’re living in the era of sharing pictures-with-text, but 7 paragraphs’ worth in a third-…
I realize we’re living in the era of sharing pictures-with-text, but 7 paragraphs’ worth in a third-party image in your promotional email to customers, with no actual text in the message? That doesn’t inspire confidence in your software.
Fandom Isn’t Exclusive
I’ll never understand why a subculture so familiar with exclusion is so quick to turn around and exclude people. https://comicsbeat.com/enough-with-the-faux-fake-geek-girl-outrage-already/
EXACTLY. “We aren’t all nerdy about the same things & we don’t all participate in nerd culture the same way.” https://squidygirl.blogspot.com/2012/11/fake-nerd-girls-whores-and-sexism.html
Some people like Superman, others like the Hulk. People have their favorite interpretations of Batman. People have their favorite X-Men. If you like Grant Morrison’s Batman & someone else prefers Batman: The Animated Series, that doesn’t make the other person NOT a Batman fan. No more than you liking Data and them liking Spock makes them not a Star Trek fan, or them preferring the “wrong” Doctor. Someone who got into Doctor Who with Smith, Tennant or Eccleston is no less a fan than someone who got into it with, say, Tom Baker…
So if someone likes a comic book character, but hasn’t read the same 100 issues YOU have, that doesn’t make them not a fan.
Some people would rather express their fandom with costuming, or fanfic, or fan art, instead of throwing comics in a box. Again, still fans. Someone takes the time to collect enough Batman pics to post 3/day to Tumblr for a year, but doesn’t like the current books? Sounds fannish.
The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network and Food Allergy Initiative have completed their merger, and will be called FARE…
The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network and Food Allergy Initiative have completed their merger, and will be called FARE, highlighting their focus on food allergy research and education.
Oddest thing I saw today: a guy using a leaf blower during heavy winds. Got to keep the leaves away from the hotel entrance, I guess.
Oddest thing I saw today: a guy using a leaf blower during heavy winds. Got to keep the leaves away from the hotel entrance, I guess.
I figure Instagram’s square-pics-only format is like Twitter’s 140 character limit: a technical choice that has become part of its identity.
I figure Instagram’s square-pics-only format is like Twitter’s 140 character limit: a technical choice that has become part of its identity.
Instagram profiles mostly solve my biggest pet peeve: linking to a pic used to be a dead end.
Instagram profiles mostly solve my biggest pet peeve: linking to a pic used to be a dead end.
Interesting. This article is missing a few numbers, but Wikipedia’s article on the election…
Interesting. This article is missing a few numbers, but Wikipedia's article on the election places him at 0.95% of the popular vote, the highest of the third party candidates this year (though still smaller than the gap between Romney & Obama). Still smaller than Nader's share in 2000, and of course WAY smaller than Ross Perot's record 18% in 1992.
An interesting read about the structure of the internet, and how parts of it
An interesting read about the structure of the internet, and how parts of it are more fragile than you might expect.
A lot of standard emergency food tends to be the same foods that people are most likely to be allergic to.
Something to remember: a lot of standard emergency food tends to be the same foods that people are most likely to be allergic to. Not everyone can make a meal out of canned tuna and peanut butter.
While driving home, I had to dodge some guy who fell off his skateboard while “walking” his dogs in the middle of the street as if he was dog sledding.
While driving home, I had to dodge some guy who fell off his skateboard while “walking” his dogs in the middle of the street as if he was dog sledding.
What really bothers me about the Lucasfilm/Disney deal
I suppose it’s silly, but after thinking about it for a bit, what really bothers me about the Lucasfilm/Disney deal is that by continuing the movie series with Episodes 7-9, they are undermining the distinction between the Star Wars *saga* and the Star Wars *franchise*.
Things you never thought you’d say: “You don’t eat noodles from your feet.”
Things you never thought you'd say: “You don't eat noodles from your feet.”
Whoa. I can think of two incidents where this could have been me
Whoa. I can think of two incidents where this could have been me: one where I could have been the subject, and one where I could have been telling the story.
First, when I was 18, I accidentally ate part of a peanut butter cookie at an event and didn’t have my Epi-Pen with me. Fortunately we weren’t very far from home (though knowing what I know now, 911 might have been a better option).
And then just last month, on vacation, the hotel restaurant messed up our order and gave our son a PBJ sandwich. Katie caught it before he ate any of it, and it’s possible he hasn’t inherited my allergy to peanuts, but we didn’t want to find out that way.
Great trilogy, highly recommended (and I’m not normally a zombie fan). The first book…
Great trilogy, highly recommended (and I'm not normally a zombie fan). The first book stands well on its own as a political thriller in a world where the humans have reclaimed the earth from the living dead…mostly.
Has anyone ever said, “Wow, this app has an option to tweet about the fact that I installed it! Awesome! I’m going do do that right now!”?
Has anyone ever said, “Wow, this app has an option to tweet about the fact that I installed it! Awesome! I’m going do do that right now!”?
It’s amazing how early kids start rules-lawyering
It’s amazing how early kids start rules-lawyering. I’ve been trying to teach J not to pull stuff out of my laptop bag, and of course 30 seconds after the latest round, he’s at it again…putting post-its *into* the bag. Because I specifically told him not to take stuff *out* of it!
Wow, serious amateur spammer. Forgets to use BCC *and* has a Geocities address on the list.
Wow, serious amateur spammer. Forgets to use BCC *and* has a Geocities address on the list.