Western Bluebirds spotted on a hike at the nearby marsh preserve over the weekend.

Western #Bluebirds spotted on a hike at the nearby marsh preserve over the weekend. This was before my camera battery ran out of power and I was stuck finishing out the hike with my phone. (I still can’t believe I forgot to bring the spare.)

#photography #nature #birds



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Uploaded a handful of bird photos ranging 2004-2015.

Uploaded a handful of #bird #photos ranging 2004-2015.

I imagine this #seagull reading the “No fishing” sign and being very disappointed.

An #egret wading in a marsh.

And another egret (I thought it was a crane at the time, but 3 people have IDed it as an egret) that I caught walking by the side of the road.

Funny thing is: I didn’t use the Flickr-to-#iNaturalist importer for these. On Flickr I posted the full, composed shots. For iNat, I wanted to crop them to show the birds more clearly.

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I went a bit overboard with finding whimsical “adventures” for the Flickr panda…

I went a bit overboard with finding #whimsical “adventures” for the Flickr #panda during their planned downtime to disentangle from Yahoo’s datacenter. I think I’ll go with the #coffee mug shot once uploads are working again.

Full 12-photo “Good Panda” gallery on my blog.
Complete Flickr gallery.

#cartoon #construction #signs #CautionSign

On Pixelfed.social

These are a few shots from the grounds of a hotel in Hawaii that isn’t there anymore.

These are a few shots from the grounds of a hotel in #Hawaii that isn’t there anymore.

The open-air lounge jutted out over #tidePools made of #lavaRock. A bridge labeled Kapu (forbidden) led to the next resort over, which had already been torn down.

It was on the Kona (west) side of the Big Island, and was demolished last year to make way for an educational/cultural center. Since there are several heiau ruins on the property, that’s probably a better use of it.

#photos #tbt

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Two days later:

Realized in all the editing I dropped the *name* of the place. It was the Keauhou Beach Resort. I stayed there for a week in 2005, and took these pictures on an afternoon (or morning) when we weren’t going anywhere else.

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I managed to get out to the local botanical gardens again for a mild hike …

I managed to get out to the local botanical gardens again for a mild hike / photo walk. Large parts of the grounds are designed to look wild, though the plants are all grouped by category and labeled. Other parts are obviously manicured. I also have photos of a snail hidden in a rosemary bush and a lizard that…wasn’t very hidden!

Flickr Album: South Coast Botanic Garden

#Photography #nature #flowers #garden #lizard #snail #trees #spring

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Scanned the negatives of my tourist shots from #NotreDameCathedral back in 1999(!).

Scanned the negatives of my tourist shots from #NotreDameCathedral back in 1999(!). It was a gloomy day, but the sun did eventually come out. The front of the cathedral was being renovated at the time.

#Paris #photography #cathedral #France

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Just a few Flashes (and a Rainbow Raider) who I saw at WonderCon this year

Just a few Flashes (and a Rainbow Raider) who I saw at WonderCon this year. There were a bunch more, including a TV Barry/Iris couple, a Jedi Flash, and more.

These are just the ones who slowed down long enough for me to take a photo! 🙂 Check out my full cosplay gallery on Flickr:

Range of Emotions

#Cosplay #WonderCon #WonderCon2019 #TheFlash #KidFlash #RainbowRaider #BlackFlash

On PixelFed.Social
Cross-posted on Speed Force

Took the new camera to WonderCon for cosplay photography

Took the new camera to #WonderCon for #cosplay #photography.

1. I finally have a camera that can really handle inside lighting at a convention center!

2. I’ve gotten too used to just capturing costumes, instead of composing interesting shots.

2a. My 8YO took 1 photo all weekend (#InsideOut) & it ended up being the best that day. I took the lesson & improved my shots the next day, including the other 3 here.

Album on Flickr

#HarryPotter #BeautyAndTheBeast #LittleShopOfHorrors

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Expanded on K2R

We’ve had a wet winter, so the seasonal marsh has actually filled up a lot …

We’ve had a wet winter, so the seasonal marsh has actually filled up a lot more than it has for the last few years. In addition to the full ponds (including two on either side of a road that was still muddy) I saw a lot of birds, including a crane that was swaying back and forth until it took flight, lots of ducks and geese.

A few more photos on Flickr if you’re interested

#marsh #nature #birds #photography

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🌸 Cherry blossoms!

🌸 Cherry blossoms!

I had a hard time narrowing down which of these to post, and finally settled on two from the a6000, one from my phone in portrait mode, and one from my phone in regular mode.

The simulated depth of field on the Pixel 2 still looks a *little* off in most pictures, but it’s always better than I expect it to be!

#photography #cherryBlossoms #sakura #spring #photos #flowers

More photos from this botanical garden

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In the time it took me to get a light meter reading and swap lenses …

In the time it took me to get a light meter reading and swap lenses on the old film camera, the light went from perfectly highlighting the flowers to leaving some of them in shadow.

Fortunately I took a shot with my phone before I started fumbling with equipment and the shadows moved, but the fake depth of field just isn’t the same.


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Some recent sun halo displays I’ve seen in the last 2 weeks

Some recent sun #halo displays I’ve seen in the last 2 weeks: An upper tangent arc (my first!), the top edges of a circumscribed and 22° circular halo, and most of a 22° circular halo (with bonus contrail shadow on the cloud layer!)

All shot on my Pixel 2 with levels adjusted.

These are all formed by reflection and refraction of light in ice crystals. (A great reference: https://www.atoptics.co.uk/halo/common.htm )

Also, all seen from Los Angeles, which isn’t freezing…at ground level.

#Photography #sky

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I caught a glimpse of the trail from today’s Delta 4 launch out of Vandenberg …

I caught a glimpse of the trail from today’s Delta 4 launch out of Vandenberg while driving, and made a beeline for the coast for a better look. I did manage to catch a clear view of the trail, though winds had already started blowing it out of shape, and stayed briefly to look at the boats on the ocean and the scenery.

#Photography #ocean #RocketTrail #cliff

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Whitney Frost cosplay by CasualCosplayKatie

Whitney Frost cosplay by @CasualCosplayKatie@Instagram.com.

Google Photos reminded me that it’s been exactly 2 years since she was going to debut the cosplay at Long Beach Comic Con, but ended up not being able to go. We did a photoshoot anyway that morning, and she’s worn the outfit at several conventions since then, including the following year’s #LBCC

#cosplay #longbeachcomiccon #LBCC2016 #LBCC2017 #WhitneyFrost #AgentCarter

On PixelFed.Social

Another of my #fotofails from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park…

Another of my #fotofails from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. I’m terrible at holding binoculars steady, so I’ll take zoomed photos to see what’s in the distance. I think these were antelope or something, but the camera autofocused on the cables holding a balloon between the deck I was standing on and the open area below. For comparison, the giraffes at a similar distance are a lot clearer.


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Pixel 2 vs. PowerShot SX710HS

Pixel 2 vs. PowerShot SX710HS.

I’m only a hobbyist photographer. I don’t have a really nice camera, just a point & shoot that I picked mainly for its optical zoom. And I’m still astonished that I can often get better pictures out of the tiny lens on my phone.

This is from #WonderCon over the weekend, my wife’s #cosplay as Whitney Frost from Agent Carter. The phone picture is so much sharper, and the Pixel 2 finally gets the color balance better too.

Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kelsonv/albums/72157694829944955

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